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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                      AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 16

                                Timeless Teachings of

                  PRAMUKH SWAMI MAHARAJ

              ramukh Swami Maharaj passed   most disturbed. His words removed           Dharma                  and joy. Do not be trapped by greed
              away eight years ago on August   impurities, brought joy, inspired   • Dharma is that which spreads love   and superstition. Walking through
        P13, 2016.  He was a peaceful,    greatness, lifted the gloom, gave di-  for one another.               life in consonance with instructions
        humble, and spiritual personality—a   rection, removed ego and imbued the   • There would  be  no  differences  if   given by God will ensure that we
        rare soul who lived selflessly for others   bliss of God. P Let us learn some of   each studied their Dharma. By   are not met with unhappiness.
        while maintaining a constant connec-  his teachings:                  becoming deeply spiritual you will  • Stop looking at the faults of others
        tion with God. Pramukh Swami Ma-                                      never want to make another un-    and grasp only their virtues.
        haraj lived by his maxim, ‘In the joy of        Life                  happy. We are all atmas – souls.  • Bad  company  benefits  no  one.  If
        others lies our own,’ and dedicated his   • True life is about living for the good   • Dharma teaches that the body, for   you keep bad company then you
        life to selfless service for the spiritual   of others and for God.   which we perform all hurtful things,   will  lose  your  money  and  name.
        and social uplift of society. Pramukh   • Doing Gharsabha (short family as-  is not always going to live forever.   Therefore,  give  up  bad  company
        Swami Maharaj inspired countless as-  sembly, done weekly or daily) will   Then why do wrong?  Share one   and addictions and keep good com-
        pirants, and for the betterment of hu-  bring love, harmony, pass on our   another’s fortune and misfortune,   pany.
        mankind, he has visited thousands of   culture and sanskars to the next   and help one another rise. All this
        villages, towns, and cities. He uplifted   generation and keep the family to-  is taught by dharma.               Satsang
        and inspired spirituality in the lives of   gether.                 • Eating  dry  millet  bread  earned  • Satsang is the soap that cleanses
        numerous people, including myself.   • In times of difficulty, take the ref-  honestly brings peace instead of   the mind.
        Many aspirants experienced the bliss   uge of God and be in the company   earning abundantly through dis-  • Just as we need food daily, we
        of God in his presence.             of the Guru.                      honest means.                     should do Satsang daily. Grain
                                          • The means to solve misery and   • When one sees God in everyone     nourishes the body, Satsang nour-
        Many aspirants reached the          pain in life is to do God’s bhajan   then the sentiments of ‘Vasudhaiva   ishes the soul. Without Satsang the
                                                                                                                soul becomes weak.
                                                                              Kutumbakam’ are born. Then no
                                            and offer Him prayers.
        highest spiritual state; today,   • By giving up bad company (ku-     one is seen to be different.    • Knowledge cannot be had from
        many others continue to tread       sang) and doing daily satsang (ni-         Character                books alone. Association with the
                                                                                                                holy Sadhu is a must.
        this path. His love, affection, sim-  tya satsang) transforms one’s inner   • Without character and morality  • One should become a humble ser-
        plicity, humility, and guidance   • Reading good books enables one    as the first step, no one can attain   vant, as did Hanumanji, and then
                                                                                                                offer  devotion.  Only  when  the  ‘I
        come to my mind as I write this.    to keep the mind clean.         • Character is the foundation, if it is   ness’ has been eradicated can we
                                          • Kusang is that which distances you   kept firm and intact the monument   experience the bliss of God.
            Pramukh Swami Maharaj spoke     from God and moral behavior.      of life built upon it will be unshake-  • Knowingly or unknowingly, if one
        little, but whenever he did so, his sim-  • The darshan of a true Sadhu dis-  able. If character is lost, the mon-  drinks nectar one becomes immor-
        ple words conveyed the wisdom of    solves one’s sins of countless births.  ument  will soon  tumble. Keep  all   tal. Similarly, devotion is always
        eternal truth and had the divinity that   • Earn what one requires; however,   thoughts and actions pure.  fruitful.
        you just felt like following whatever   greed invites misery and pain.  • Immorality may give you great  • Centre  God  in  all  your  activities.
        he said, I guess a reflection of the su-  • Happiness and peace lie in seeing   gains, but a dry piece of bread   Serve society but keep God before
        preme divinity within him.          God in all.                       earned with morality will guaran-  you. Never forget God.
            I felt as if God spoke through   • By going to the mandir, one’s mun-  tee peace of mind. Do not become
        him.  His  thoughtful  and  meaning-  dane burdens are lightened, and   lazy and negligent. Fruits obtained      Lenin Joshi
        ful words brought peace to even the   the mind gets rest.             without effort do not give peace    BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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