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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

         ICO Celebrates 10th Anniversary of India Day

            Parade & Celebration With Mega Success!

        Showcases the best Indian Parade - Breaks all Records to Become the Largest Indian Event in the USA

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            curred on the platform under the Car-
                                                                                                              illon Tower that brought lots of en-
        Naperville, IL
                                                                                                              ergy and excitement throughout the
           ndian   Community    Outreach                                                                      ground. After the cultural show, ICO
           (ICO) in Naperville, IL celebrat-                                                                  Scholarship winners were recognized
        Ied the occasion of India’s 78th                                                                      on stage and were presented with
        Independence Day with  its colorful                                                                   checks  and  certificates.  DJ’s  Salman
        and Indian culture showcasing event,                                                                  and Sajan Vadali rocked the stage for
        the India Day Parade & Celebration                                                                    the rest of the afternoon before the
        on August 11th. In just ten years, this                                                               evening program.
        event has become the largest Indian                                                                       The evening program kicked off
        American Celebration in the country                                                                   with the American national anthem
        featuring numerous attractions. This                                                                  followed by the Indian national an-
        year  had  record  breaking  attendees                                                                them. The renditions were remarkable
        and participants with estimated foot                                                                  and brought about serenity in the air.
        traffic of 50,000+ throughout the day.                                                                Bollywood hit singer Krishna Beuraa
            A Feature-Rich Event – Year                                                                       started off the concert with timeless
        after year, India Day Celebrations                                                                    melodies. The highly acclaimed Indi-
        brings a magnificent platform for the                                                                 an Bollywood Duo, Salim-Sulaiman,
        Indian Americans to showcase their  sal specially recognized the dignitaries,  celebration that demonstrated the  set the stage on fire with several Bolly-
        talents in the domains of art, dance,  partners, sponsors, media, and volun-  rich culture of India here in the Unit-  wood hit songs.
        music, and culture. With the celebra-  teers and everyone who contributed  ed States. The participation of the US   Consul General of India, Hon.
        tions spanning the entire day, it en-  to the stupendous success of the event.  Military was the special highlight of  Somnath Ghosh, was one of the Guests
        compasses the true nature of a festi-  International Bollywood Sensa-  the Parade.                    of Honor at the event. He congratu-
        val – food, cultural show, parade, and  tional Duo, Salim Sulaiman, came as   After the parade, there was a  lated  ICO  and  wished  everyone the
        music. A two-hour, mile long, parade  the Grand Marshalls of the parade  whole day of events that took place on  Happy Independence Day of India.
        was the highlight featuring multiple  and  waved  both the  Indian  and  US  Rotary Hill. The Talent show includ-  Naperville Mayor Scott Wehrli along
        intricately & beautifully decorated  flag from the ICO float through Mill  ed unique and vibrant performances  with scores of Congressmen, elected
        floats,  various  community  organiza-  Street. Exuberant number of people  by the best and most brilliant dance  Judges, Senators, Representatives,
        tions,  businesses,  and  public  figures,  lined the Grand Parade route waving  groups of Chicagoland. The spectac-  County Members, Township Trustees,
        capturing the imagination of one and  flags  of  both  the  United  States  and  ular  display  of  flair  by  Indian  youth  Mayors, Councilmen and prominent
        all. There were over sponsors and  India. The Parade showcased culture,  in music and dance left everyone  leaders of Chicago and Naperville
        businesses presenting their products,  dances, and uniqueness from over 20  awe-struck. The winner of the talent  also graced the occasion. Dr. Bharat
        a health fair providing pre-screening  states of India and was aired live by  show was the dance teams from Team  Barai  read  the  message  from  Prime
        for common ailments, an internation-  many media outlets. Sponsors /partic-  Ghunguru and runners-up was Shirl-  Minister Modi sent for the occasion.
        al food court with scrumptious menu  ipants brought beautiful decorations  zar who all were given the opportuni-  Amongst honorees for this year were
        from various local and out of state  to commemorate the event and creat-  ty to perform once again in the eve-  the Patel Brothers - Mafat Patel and
        vendors, and ethnic Indian bazaar  ed true color and vibrancy to the pa-  ning stage program. Barani Kannan,  Tulsi Patel for 50 years of bringing
        with fashion, clothing, and jewelry at-  rade. As the cars roared through the  a passionate singer from Naperville,  homeland to Indian Americans, Shri
        tracted the attention of the attendees.  parade route, it created even more  performed in multiple South Indi-  Shalabh  Kumar  and Shri Darshan
            Krishna Bansal, Chairman/Pres-  excitement  for  the  spectators.  The  an  languages.  Simultaneously,  there  Singh Dhaliwal for their enormous
        ident of the ICO, and the chief orga-  mile-long parade was truly a moving  were numerous performances that oc-  contributions to the community.
        nizer of the event, said that the Cele-
        brations and the Parade were aimed
        at engaging Indian Americans into the
        mainstream fabric of America. He stat-
        ed, with a sense of pride that this event
        has not only created huge awareness
        and respect for India while it has re-in-
        stigated the love and pride for India
        amongst first and Gen X/Y/Z of adults
        and youths here from India. Ban-
        sal holds the parade very close to his
        heart as it symbolizes the engagement
        of people from all walks of life, show-
        casing the true spirit of India through
        the vibrancy that it brings about. Ban-

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