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BUSINESS EYE                                                         AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 34

        Ruling party and All India Bar Assn call for probe

           into Hindenburg as allegations spark a new row

        Mauritian regulator said that Mauritius does not permit creation of shell companies and cannot be

                                   described as a ‘Tax Haven’ as has been done by Hindenburg

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
            ust when the Adani-Hindenburg
            saga was about to end with SEBI
        Jinvestigating  the  24th  and  final
        case, US short seller Hindenburg has
        published fresh allegations against
        the market regulator’s chairperson
        Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband
        Dhaval Buch of investing in an off-
        shore fund linked with Adani.
            While the US short seller made
        allegations in January 2023 against the
        Adani group, now it has published al-
        legations against the market regulator
        for not acting against the conglomerate.
            In its report on August 10, Hinden-
        burg has expressed surprise at SEBI’s
        “lack of interest and not investigating”
        Adani’s alleged undisclosed web of
        Mauritius and offshore shell entities.
            In an important development,
        the Financial Services Commission,
        Mauritius on Tuesday issued a state-
        ment on the latest allegations cited
        in the US Short seller Hindenburg                                SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch in Mumbai (ANI)
        research report. In its statement the
        Mauritian regulator said that Mauri-  al best practices and has been rated as   BI’s legal responsibility to ensure that   tiate a 360-degree investigation into
        tius does not permit creation of shell   compliant  with  the standards  of the   the market runs smoothly,” the BJP   the alleged international conspiracy
        companies and cannot be described   Organisation for Economic Co-oper-  leader said while addressing a press   behind the latest Hindenburg report.
        as a ‘Tax Haven’ as has been done by   ation and Development (“OECD”),”  conference in the national capital.  Dr. Adish C. Aggarwala, who is
        Hindenburg.                       the statement added.                 “When SEBI issued a notice     also the immediate past President of
            The FSC is the integrated regula-  The Mauritian regulator also   against Hindenburg, after completing   the Supreme Court Bar Association
        tor for the non-banking financial ser-  clarified that the fund ‘IPE Plus’ cited   its entire inquiry in July, which was   (SCBA) calls for a comprehensive
        vices sector and global business.  by the US short seller is not a licensee   done under the supervision of the Su-  investigation to address concerns
           “FSC has taken cognizance of the   of the FSC Mauritius.         preme Court, then without giving any   regarding the Hindenburg report’s
        contents of the report published by   Meanwhile, BJP MP Ravi Shan-  answer in favour of its defence, they   credibility and its potential impact.
        Hindenburg Research on 10 August   kar Prasad slammed the opposition’s   have made this attack, a baseless at-  Dr. Adish C. Aggarwala, who has
        2024 wherein mention has been made   attack on the US-based short seller   tack,” he said.            been Vice-Chairman of Bar Council
        of ‘Mauritius-based shell entities and   Hindenburg report and its allegations   Earlier, LoP Rahul Gandhi, al-  of India stated that the Hindenburg
        Mauritius as a ‘tax haven’. The FSC   against market regulator SEBI chair-  leged on Sunday that there was a sig-  report is part of an intentional effort
        wishes to highlight that the legisla-  person Madhabi Buch and said that   nificant risk in the Indian stock market   by India’s enemies to damage India’s
        tive framework in Mauritius does not   the Congress party and its allies have   after the “integrity” of the Securities   growing economy. Dr Aggarwala fur-
        permit creation of shell companies.  conspired together to usher in eco-  and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)   ther stated that India is experiencing
        Mauritius has a robust framework for   nomic anarchy and instability in India.  was “gravely compromised” by the al-  economic growth and stability, in
        global business companies,” a state-  “After being rebuffed by the peo-  legations against its chairperson.   contrast to its neighbouring countries,
        ment from FSC Mauritius read.     ple of India, the Congress party, its   Now, All India Bar Association   which are grappling with economic
           “All global business companies   allies and the toolkit gang have con-  has sought a 360-degree probe into   difficulties and civil unrest.
        licensed by the FSC have to meet   spired together to usher in economic   the international conspiracy angle be-  The Hindenburg report was re-
        substance requirements on an ongo-  anarchy and instability in India. Hin-  hind the Hindenburg report.  leased with malicious intent to dam-
        ing basis as per section 71 of the Fi-  denburg report is released on Saturday,   While talking to mediapersons,   age the Indian economy and the
        nancial Services Act which is strictly   there is uproar on Sunday so the cap-  AIBA Chairman and Senior Advocate   report was crafted to undermine con-
        monitored by the FSC. Moreover, the   ital market is destabilized on Monday.  Dr Adish C. Aggarwala, Chairman of   fidence in India’s financial system and
        FSC wishes to highlight that Mauri-  India is a safe, stable and promising   the All India Bar Association (AIBA)   harm its economic interests, stated
        tius strictly complies with internation-  market in the shares as well. It is SE-  urged the Indian government to ini-  AIBA Chairman.

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