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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 23, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 32

              Tom Suozzi Honors Varinder Bhalla

                               with Congressional Award

                             Recognizes Four Decades of Community Service

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            Indian American Voters Forum to
                                                                                                              bolster the membership of the Con-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              gressional Caucus on India and Indian
           n recognition of his extensive                                                                     Americans. This initiative included a
           contributions to both the United                                                                   unique television show celebrating In-
        IStates  and  India,  Representative                                                                  dia’s Republic Day and Independence
        Tom Suozzi has awarded Varinder                                                                       Day, which featured appearances by
        Bhalla a Special Congressional Award,                                                                 11 governors and 22  Congressional
        acknowledging his four decades of                                                                     leaders from across the U.S.
        dedicated  community  service.  The                                                                       In 2012, Astronaut Sunita Wil-
        Honor includes an American flag that                                                                  liams, while on board the Interna-
        has flown over the U.S. Capitol, along                                                                tional Space Station, made history by
        with a formal Citation from Congress-                                                                 appearing on Bhalla’s show to extend
        man Suozzi.                                                                                           Independence Day and Diwali greet-
            Varinder Bhalla’s journey as a                                                                    ings to Indians worldwide. The broad-
        community leader began in 1981                                                                        cast was televised on 80 channels
        when, as Vice President of the Asso-                                                                  across India and reached audiences in
        ciation of Indians in America (AIA),                                                                  the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
        he successfully campaigned for the                                                                        In 2014, Bhalla and his wife Rat-
        inclusion of Indian Americans as a                                                                    na traveled to a village in Gujarat to
        recognized minority group eligible                                                                    donate a boat for school children who
        for federal contracts. This landmark                                                                  previously risked their  lives daily by
        achievement opened doors for thou-                                                                    swimming across a turbulent river to
        sands of Indian small business owners                                                                 reach their school.
        across the nation, enabling them to                                                                       Bhalla launched a monthly eye
        secure government contracts.                                                                          camp in Amritsar in 2023, on the 50th
            In 1982, Bhalla played a pivotal                                                                  anniversary of his late father, who al-
        role in halting an immigration bill that                                                              ways supported blind children. Since
        sought to restrict naturalized citizens                                                               its inception, the camp has provided
        from sponsoring family members for                 Varinder Bhalla being awarded by Tom Suozzi        free eye exams and eyeglasses to near-
        permanent residency. Alongside then-                                                                  ly 1,200 individuals, offering vital sup-
        AIA President Gopal Khanna, Bhalla   ate and befitting to recognize him with   legends Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu   port to those in need.
        delivered 17,000 signed petitions to   Special Congressional Recognition.”  to support the victims of the disaster.   Dr. Dattatreyudu Nori, the
        the House Judiciary Committee in      In 1991, Bhalla set up AWB Food   Two years later, he again collaborated   world-renowned cancer physician
        Washington, D.C., effectively stopping   Bank in Delhi to feed underprivileged   with these stars to raise funds for phys-  who treated the former President of
        the resolution proposed by Congress-  children with a mid-day meal program,  ically challenged children in Mumbai.  India, praised Bhalla for his charitable
        man  Romano  Mazzoli  and  Senator   which has distributed 15 million meals   In 1985, Bhalla led a nationwide   endeavors in India and his community
        Alan Simpson.                     since its inception.              voter registration drive, featuring a   service in the United States. “Heart-
            Congressman   Suozzi  lauded      Bhalla’s impact has extended far   televised campaign with participation   iest congratulations to Mr. Bhalla for
        Bhalla as “a wonderful example of the   beyond these initiatives. Following   from former President Gerald Ford   a very well-deserved Congressional
        American Dream,” highlighting his ef-  the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984, which   and other Congressional leaders. His   Award for his distinguished record of
        forts  in  establishing  anti-hunger  pro-  claimed thousands of lives, Bhalla or-  commitment to civic engagement con-  community service spanning over four
        grams  in New Delhi and organizing   ganized a fundraiser with Bollywood   tinued in 2008 when he founded the   decades. His passion for helping the
        an eye camp in his hometown of Am-                                                                    underprivileged in India is exempla-
        ritsar, which provides free eyeglasses                                                                ry. His unprecedented leadership to
        to underprivileged children.                                                                          increase the membership of the India
            Narrating his association with                                                                    Caucus to enhance Indo-US ties is
        Bhalla  over  the  years,  Dr.  Thomas                                                                truly laudable.”
        Abraham, Founder & Chairman of                                                                            Reflecting  on  Bhalla’s  lega-
        Global Organization of People of In-                                                                  cy, Congressman Suozzi remarked,
        dian Origin (GOPIO), says, “I have                                                                    “Varinder Bhalla is a shining example
        had the opportunity to work closely                                                                   of  the  promise  of  America.  His  life
        with Varinder during the last four de-                                                                demonstrates  that  by  working  hard
        cades. He has been a great volunteer,                                                                 and embracing the values enshrined
        organizer, and leader coordinating                                                                    in our Declaration of Independence,
        many aspects of community mobiliza-                                                                   one can achieve personal success
        tion for common causes, in the USA                Children Served Mid-Day Meal by AWB Food Bank       while passionately serving others and
        as well as in India. It is very appropri-                                                             leaving the world a better place.”

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