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The Indian Eye
         BUSINESS EYE                                                              AUGUST 18, 2023                                      44

                                                              TECH T@LK

        X reduces eligibility threshold for ad revenue sharing

                        Musk and Zuckerberg’s war of words over cage fight escalates

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 since the day Elon challenged me. If he ever agrees
                                                                                                   on an actual date, you’ll hear it from me. Until then,
        San Francisco, CA
                                                                                                   please assume anything he says has not been agreed
              ech giant X, formerly known as Twitter, on                                           on,” Zuckerberg wrote.
              Friday announced a new update to their Ads                                              Zuckerberg further said that was not holding
        TRevenue program for creators, reducing the                                                his breath for Musk and will share the details of the
        minimum amounts of impressions needed from                                                 fight when he is ready.  He added, “Not holding my
        15M to 5M.                                                                                 breath for Elon, but I’ll share details on my next
            The  company  tweeted  from  its  official  han-                                       fight when I’m ready. When I compete, I want to do
        dle, “Now, even more people can get paid to post!                                          it in a way that puts a spotlight on the elite athletes
        We’ve lowered the eligibility threshold for ads rev-  According to The Verge, an American Tech-  at the top of the game. You do that by working with
        enue sharing from 15M to 5M impressions within   nology news website, Musk announced the reve-  professional orgs like the UFC or ONE to pull this
        the last 3 months. We’ve also lowered the minimum   nue-sharing plan in February, and the company sent   off well and create a great card.”
        payout threshold from $50 to $10. Sign up for a Pre-  out the first round of payments for eligible accounts   Musk took notice of Zuckerberg’s post and re-
        mium subscription to get access.”            (with paid verification via Twitter Blue or Verified   acted to it with a series of tweets.
            X has also lowered its payment threshold from   organizations, 15 million “organic” impressions in   “If Zuck my really wants a lesson in why there
        USD 5O to USD 10. Elon Musk on the other hand   the last three months, and at least 500 followers) a   are weight categories in fighting so badly, I could
        shared some more information regarding the new   couple of weeks ago before opening up registration   just head over to his house next week and teach him
        update and tweeted, “This essentially means that X   to more people.                       a lesson he won’t soon forget...Otherwise, we will do
        Premium (fka Twitter Blue) is free for accounts that   Meanwhile, a day after Tesla CEO Musk   it as soon as the arena in Italy is ready,” Musk wrote.
        generate above 5M views. Note, only views from   claimed that his and Zuckerberg’s fight will be live-  “Or we could do both and consider next week
        verified handles count, as scammers will otherwise   streamed on X as well as Meta’s platforms and will   just a practice session,” he added.
        use bots to spam views to infinity.”         likely take place in Italy, the Meta owner dropped a   It is to be noted that the tech billionaires agreed
            Previously, the micro-blogging site required   statement on Threads. He requested netizens not to   to a “cage match” face-off in late June. It all began
        users to have a minimum of 15 million impressions   buy into whatever the Tesla CEO says.  when Musk tweeted that he would be “up for a cage
        within three months to qualify for ad revenue sharing.   “I love this sport and I’ve been ready to fight   match” with Zuckerberg, who has trained in jiujitsu.

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