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P. 46

The Indian Eye
         Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                                                                              46
                                                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023

                  Validation: The Importance

                                 in Business and Life

                      Seeking validation from the wrong sources can be dangerous and

                                                  detrimental to your well-being

                                                                                                                tion or approval.
                                                                                                              • This can help build self-confidence
                                                                                                                and  resilience,  and  can also help
                                                                                                                you make decisions that align with
                                                                                                                your values and goals.
                                                                                                              • To practise self-validation, try to
                                                                                                                identify and challenge any negative
                                                                                                                self-talk or self-doubt, and focus
                                                                                                                on your strengths and accomplish-
                                                                                                              • Remember, you are the only per-
                                                                                                                son who truly knows your own ex-
                                                                                                                periences and feelings, so learning
                                                                                                                to validate yourself can be a pow-
                                                                                                                erful tool for personal growth and

                                               Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow    The dangers of seeking
                                                                   (Representative photo)                        validation from the wrong
                   HIRAV SHAH                                                                                            sources.
                                            which can lead to feelings of frus-  dation, start by identifying the peo-  • Seeking validation from the wrong
              alidation is a crucial aspect of   tration, anger, or sadness.  ple whose opinions matter most to   sources can be dangerous and det-
              human interaction that can                                      you.                              rimental to your well-being.
        Vhave  a  significant  impact  on     The benefits of seeking       • These may be colleagues, mentors,   • Relying  solely  on  external  valida-
        our success and well-being.        validation in business and life.   friends, or family members. Once   tion from others, such as social me-
            Whether in business or personal                                   you have identified these individ-  dia likes or comments, can lead to
        relationships, seeking validation can   • Seeking validation in both business   uals, seek out their feedback and   a constant need for approval and a
        help us feel heard, understood, and   and life can have numerous bene-  opinions on your work or ideas.   lack of self-confidence.
        valued.                             fits. In business, seeking validation   • Be open to constructive criticism   • Additionally,  seeking  validation
            In this, we’ll explore the impor-  from clients and colleagues can   and use it as an opportunity to   from toxic or negative individuals
        tance of validation and provide tips   help build trust and strengthen re-  learn and grow.             can lead to feelings of inadequacy
        on how to seek it out in your daily   lationships.                  • Additionally, be sure to express   and self-doubt.
        life.                             • It can also lead to increased con-  gratitude and appreciation for the   • It’s important to seek validation
                                            fidence  and  motivation,  as  well   validation you receive, as this can   from sources that align with your
         What is validation and why is      as improved communication and     help strengthen relationships and   values and goals, such as trusted
                 it important?              problem-solving skills.           build trust.                      friends, family members, or men-
        • Validation  is  the  act  of  acknowl-  • In personal relationships, seeking   • Remember, seeking validation is   tors who provide constructive feed-
                                                                              not about seeking approval or val-
                                                                                                                back and support.
                                            validation can  deepen connec-
          edging and accepting someone’s    tions and improve communication,   idation from everyone, but rather   • Remember, validation should
          thoughts, feelings, and experiences   leading to greater intimacy and un-  seeking feedback and support from   come  from  a  place of  genuine
          as valid and important.
        • It is important because it helps us   • Overall,  seeking  validation  can   those who matter most to you.  care and concern, not from a de-
                                                                                                                sire to please others or fit in with
          feel heard and understood, which   help us feel heard and understood,   The importance of self-       societal norms.
          can boost our self-esteem and con-  which can lead to greater happi-
          fidence.                                                                     validation.                      Conclusion:
        • In business, validation can help   ness  and  fulfilment  in  both  our   • While seeking validation from   Seeking validation from the
                                            personal and professional lives.
          build trust and strengthen relation-                                others can be helpful, it’s also im-  wrong sources can be dangerous and
          ships with clients and colleagues.   How to seek validation from    portant to learn how to validate
        • In  personal  relationships, valida-                                yourself.                       detrimental to your well-being.
          tion can improve communication              others.               • Self-validation involves recog-
          and deepen connections.         • Seeking validation from others can   nizing and accepting your own      The writer is a well-known
        • Without validation, we may feel ig-  be a powerful tool for personal and   thoughts, feelings, and experiences   Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
          nored, dismissed, or unimportant,   professional growth. To seek vali-  without seeking external valida-  Email: [email protected]

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