Page 42 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         BUSINESS EYE                                                              AUGUST 18, 2023                                      42

                    Aiming for a $10-trillion economy:

          A look at India’s growth story since 1947

                  Going by estimates, India’s current GDP size is around USD 3.4 trillion.
                         After taking over the UK, India is now the fifth-largest economy

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

               nion minister Hardeep Singh
               Puri on Friday said there
        Uis no doubt that the Indian
        economy will reach USD 10 trillion
        by the end of this decade, taking into
        consideration the rate at which it is
        presently growing.    Addressing  a
        press conference, he outlined several
        initiatives taken by the PM Modi-led
        government  and  how  the  country’s
        stature has increased over the years.
           “One thing is very clear, and the
        purpose here is not to draw com-
        parisons... But look, the fact of the
        matter is, large parts of the world, in-
        cluding the United States, including
        parts of Western Europe, and Japan,
        are witnessing growth rates in the
        closed vicinity of 0.9 per cent, 1 per
        cent, or flat growth.
            And here, even your detractors,
        if they may be called that, are talking
        about 6.1 per cent to 6.5 per cent of
        projected growth in 23 24. So, USD
        5 trillion economy by 2025 or 2026,   GDP of India touched the US$ 3.75 trillion mark in 2023, up from around US$ 2 trillion in 2014 when Modi became Prime Minister (ANI)
        which people doubted is looking at
        us,” Puri told reporters.
                                          had expected India to become the      The RBI projected 6.5% growth,  current prices.  As per the Finance
                                                                                                              Ministry, India is now being called a
        “A USD 10 trillion economy        third-largest economy in the world   while the World Bank projected   ‘Bright Spot’ in the global economy.
                                          by 2029.
        by 2030 is again no longer a          From 1947 to 2023, India’s GDP    Only very few of us know that     Some of the factors which sup-
        matter of debate or disagree-     figure  has  grown  from  just  Rs  2.7   India had a GDP of just Rs 2.7 lakh   ported India’s GDP growth path in
                                                                            crore at the time of Independence.  the initial years include the White
                                          lakh crore to $3.75 trillion. India’s
        ment. And you are now looking     economy has been ranked as the    In these 76 years from 1947 to 2023,  and Green Revolution, the Founda-
        between 2030 and 2040 at          fifth  largest  in  the  world  from  the   India’s  GDP  figure  has  changed   tion of Amul Incorporation (earlier
                                                                            from just Rs 2.7 lakh crore to $3.75
                                                                                                              Kaira District Co-operative Milk
                                          tenth largest, according to the Fi-
        doubling  that  USD 10 trillion   nance Ministry. In 1950, India’s per   trillion.                    Producers Union), the shift to a
        economy,” Puri said.              capita income stood at Rs 265 and it   On June 12, 2023, Union Fi-  mixed economy, liberalization, the
                                          increased to Rs 172,000 in 2022-23.  nance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman   Planning Commission and industri-
                                              India is celebrating its 77th In-  said that the gross domestic product   alization.
            Going by estimates, India’s cur-  dependence Day on Tuesday (Au-  (GDP) of India has touched the US$   Since 1950, India’s per capita
        rent  GDP  size  is  around  USD  3.4   gust 15, 2023). Since the last three   3.75 trillion mark in 2023, up from   income (PCI) has jumped over 700
        trillion. After taking over the UK,  years, the Indian economy has seen   around US$ 2 trillion in 2014.  times. In 1950, it stood at Rs 265 and
        India  is  now  the  fifth-largest  econ-  several ups and downs mainly due to   India’s economy has been ranked   increased to Rs 172,000 in 2022-23.
        omy.                              COVID and the Russia-Ukraine cri-  as the fifth largest in the world from   India’s per capita net national
            According to an SBI Research   sis. Still, inflation continues to pose   the tenth largest, according to the Fi-  income (at current prices) for 2022-
        report published last week, India is   the biggest challenge for not only   nance Ministry. At US$ 3,737 billion,  23 stands at Rs 172,000, according to
        likely to get the 3rd largest economy   India but the global economy. Last   India’s GDP ranks above the UK   estimates from the National Statisti-
        tag in 2027 (2027-28) if it maintains   month, the IMF forecasted a dip in   (US$ 3,159 billion), France (US$   cal Office (NSO).
        the current rate of growth, and in   India’s GDP growth, with growth   2,924  billion),  Canada  (US$  2,089   This  marks  an  almost  100%  in-
        the process, will surpass both Japan   falling to 6.1% this year and rising   billion),  Russia  (US$  1,840  billion),  crease from the per capita income in
        and Germany. Earlier, SBI Research   slightly to 6.3% in FY25.      and Australia (US$ 1,550 billion) at   2014-15 at Rs 86,647.

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