Page 40 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      40

          Christian community hosts prayer for

                     Manipur at the United Nations

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
              he Indian Christian community
              in the Tri-state area organized
        Ta prayer vigil in front of the
        United Nations for the perpetrators
        to come to their senses and for the
        authorities to reign in the continuing
        attacks on the Kuki-Zo tribal people,
        mostly Christians. The vigil, attended
        by more than seven hundred people,
        expressed solidarity with all the griev-  Dr. Anna George, the leader of   tral Government has intervened ad-  as said that India is a country with a
        ing people of Manipur. Prayers by the   this event, pointed out that when our   equately. It must end. This vigil also   secular constitution. He demanded
        Clergy  reflected  the  deep  pain  felt   brothers are in pain, it hurts us too.   demands that the American media   that the government should act ac-
        across the Indian Christian Commu-  It is a reflection of this that so many   and government speak for us on this   cording to the Constitution. FOKA-
        nity in the U.S. for the great calamity   people gathered here on the day off,   issue. It is a shame that this country   NA leader Leela Maret appreciated
        that befell Manipur with tremendous   putting aside all other programs. She   is silent on women being abused and   those who took the initiative to hold
        loss of human lives and destruction of   said, “People are being killed and be-  run naked,” Dr. George added.  such a prayer vigil. She said, “The
        homes and churches.               come refugees. Women are sexually     New York State Senator Kevin   sorrow of Manipur is our sorrow too,
            The Prayer rally was initiated by   molested, gang-raped, and marched   Thomas attended in solidarity with   and there should be justice and peace.
        a handful of concerned citizens that   naked. People are without food, wa-  the victims. He was the only legisla-  Pastor Jacob George gave the
        resulted in bringing Christians from   ter, or shelter. Their anguish and   tor to attend. He clarified that justice   opening prayer. Evangeline Jacob
        all denominations and regions in co-  pain are beyond our imagination”.  and peace should prevail and that the   American National Anthem, and Fr.
        operation with FIACONA (Federa-       “We have lived in India in har-  lives of all human beings are equal.   Francis Nambiaparam sang the In-
        tion of Indian American Christians of   mony  with  various  religious  sects   There is no difference between Hin-  dian National Anthem. Pastor Babu
        North America) united for the cause   for years. But what has happened   du, Christian, Sikh or Jain. He called   Thomas, Dr. Sam Samuel, Pastor
        of the Manipuri Christians who have   now? A genocide or massacre is tak-  to work for a world where people live   Itty Abraham, Rev. Dr. Taylor, Rev.
        taken the brunt of the suffering in the   ing place right before our eyes. One   as one.              Jess M. George, Rev.Dr. Hemalatha
        last 90 days. President Koshy George   hundred forty-five people died. Sixty   Bishop Johncy Itty of the Epis-  Parmar, Pastor Percy McEwan, Rev.
        stated the purpose of the vigil at the   thousand people were left homeless.   copal Church said,” the wonderful   Jatinder Gill, and others participat-
        beginning. “This is not a protest rally.   Over three hundred churches were   thing about humanity is that we re-  ed in speeches, prayers, or scripture
        We aim not to examine why the riots   destroyed, and One hundred seventy   veal ourselves in times of distress   readings. Mr. Mathew George ex-
        happened, who is responsible, or pol-  villages were burnt. It is continuing.   and how we come together in times   pressed a vote of thanks.
        itics. We are here today to pray for   Undoubtedly,  Christians are being   of anxiety and frustrations because   The  organizing committee was
        the rule of law in Manipur, and ob-  targeted.  These  are  massive  human   we care about justice, freedom, and   led by Anna George, Koshy George,
        viously, there are limits as to what we   rights violations”.       peace.                            George Abraham,  Raju Abraham,
        can do to help. However, Prayer does   “We cannot be silent when we     He urged the gathering to be res-  Mathew George, Jimmy Christian,
        not have any limitations”. He further   see the tears and lamentation of our   olute in fighting for justice and pray-  Mary Philip, Paul Panakal, Leela
        clarified that we aim not to condemn   brothers and sisters. So far, neither   ing for those who are persecuted”.  Maret, Pastor Jatinder Gill, Shaju
        or oppose anyone politically.     the State Government nor the Cen-     FOMAA president Jacob Thom-   Sam, V. J. Macwan, and many others.

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