Page 36 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 18, 2023 36
180 Key Democrat and Republican Lawmakers
Participate in ITServe Capitol Hill Day
Washington, DC
he first ever in-person Capitol
Hill Day organized by ITServe
TAlliance in Washington, DC
on July 19th, 2023, was highly success-
ful,” said Siva Moopanar, Director of
ITServe Alliance Policy Advocacy
Committee (PAC). “We had over-
whelming support from the nearly
180 key US Representatives and Sen-
ators, including influential committee
chairs and members from both the
Democrat and Republican Parties
for the causes put forth by ITServe.”
The day-long event on Capitol
Hill organized by the ITServe Alli-
ance Policy Advocacy Committee
(PAC) was attended by over 240
ITServe members from across the
nation. A Congressional Reception
was held on July 18th and the Capi-
tol Hill Day event on July 19th fea-
tured Capitol Hill meetings and in- “ITServe Alliance is consistent-
teractive sessions with key Members ly working to protect its members’
of Congress. needs. To that end, ITServe Alliance,
Stressing the importance of IT- through its PAC teams advocates on
Serve and the Legislative Day, Vinay Capitol Hill and with the US Ad-
Mahajan, President of ITServe said, ministration. The Capitol Hill Day
“ITServe Alliance’s Capitol Hill Day served as a perfect platform to com-
has effectively served as a powerful municate our collective voice with
platform in educating policymakers key policymakers on important is-
on the issues that are important to sues to our members,” added Hima
our members and the business com- Kolanagireddy, Co-Chair PAC.
munity, ensuring that our needs and According to Jagadeesh Mosali,
views are reflected in policy debates President-Elect of ITServe, “A major
and outcomes on Capitol Hill.” objective of the Capitol Hill Day was
“The U.S. needs to maintain its to showcase to the lawmakers some
leadership in technology and inno- of the significant contributions of
vation,” Vinay Mahajan, ITServe the ITServe members to the coun-
Alliance President said. “The start- to close the skills gap – the space be- ITServe Alliance to use its collective try’s economy through Technology &
up Eco System needs to be super- tween the skills required for jobs that voice to communicate with policy- Innovation, local employment, and
charged. One critical component of employers need to fill, and the skills makers on the issues that are import- STEM education. The event also ad-
both is high-skilled workers. The U.S. possessed by current prospective ant to our members.” dressed key concerns faced by small
has a large skills gap - availability of employees. As introduced, the bill “H-1B visa holders play a crucial businesses, including the need for
workers vs the openings for talent in would raise the current H-1B limit role in bolstering the U.S. economy, high-skilled immigration reforms.”
IT. We need the brightest minds from from 65,000 to 130,000, remove the fostering innovation, and enrich- Vinod Babu Uppu, ITServe
all over the world to keep our wide H-1B cap for those with a Master’s ing the fabric of American society Governing Board Chair said, “I want
lead in technology and innovation.” Degree or PhD and create a STEM through their skills, contributions, to express our sincere gratitude and
ITServe Alliance expressed its grant program. and diverse backgrounds,” said Sarit appreciation to the hundreds of IT-
overwhelming support and urged “ITServe Alliance has been con- Kommineni, Co-Chair – PAC. “They Serve members who were part of this
the lawmakers, among other ini- sistently working to protect the needs bring diverse perspectives and knowl- important event. Advocating for IT-
tiatives, to support H.R. 4647, the of its members,” said Sateesh R. Nag- edge to American workplaces, facili- Serve and making our voices heard
“High-Skilled Immigration Reform illa, Connected PAC Board Chair. tating knowledge transfer and skills in the corridors of power. Through
for Employment (HIRE) Act,” in- “To that end, ITServe Alliance has development by engaging in research our collective voice and through
troduced by US Congressman Raja been lobbying with the Lawmakers and development activities, particu- their continued active participation
Krishnamoorthi, D-Illinois on July on behalf of its members on Capitol larly in STEM fields, which contrib- and collaboration, we will be able to
14th, 2023. The Bill would strength- Hill and with the US Administration. utes to scientific advancements and accomplish our goals through grass-
en U.S. competitiveness by helping Capitol Day was the perfect way for technological progress.” roots and advocacy.”