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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 33

            Then Bhupendrasinh Chudasa-
                                                                            ucation and Career Development in
        ma, the former Education Minister,                                  the Northwestern University Clinical
        was overjoyed to see the presence of                                and Translational Sciences will bring
        more than 650 BSC members. After                                    a fresh, innovative perspective to
        that, Vanessa Scott Sames (Director                                 the Office for Faculty Affairs and he
        of Strategic) gave a detailed explana-                              will be an invaluable addition to our
        tion about child abuse, seniors and                                 team,” said Farzaneh Sorond, Vice
        crime and how they can be saved.                                    Dean of Faculty Affairs.
            After that, Himani Chavda
                                                                               “Having spent my entire career
        through  ‘Love  You  Zindagi’  Hap-                                 at  Feinberg,  I  have  benefited  from
        piness Workshop gave an under-                                      our rich environment for growth as
        standing of how to live a happy life
        and stay worry free, played different                               a  faculty  member.  I  am  excited to
                                                                            join Dr. Sorond and the Faculty Affairs team in nurturing an academic com-
        fun games for 3 to 4 hours through                                  munity that empowers all members of our faculty to achieve their maximum
        her workshop and gave information                                   potential in clinical innovation, medical education, and scientific discovery,”
        about her future projects.
                                                                            said Kalhan. He is also a professor of Preventive Medicine in the Division of
                                                                            Epidemiology and co-director of the Northwestern University Clinical and
                                RAVI KALHAN                                 Translational Sciences (NUCATS) Institute’s Center for Education and Ca-

         Doctor named Associate Dean at                                     reer Development.
                                                                                In this newly appointed administrative faculty position, Kalhan will sup-
                                                                            port and enhance faculty recruitment, retention, promotion, and career de-
             Feinberg School of Medicine                                    velopment at Feinberg.
                                                                                Kalhan earned his MD from Case Western Reserve University School of
                                                                            Medicine and a Master of Science degree from Feinberg. Kalhan is also the
              avi Kalhan, MD, has been appointed as the new associate dean for Fac-  principal investigator of a first-of-its-kind nationwide longitudinal study to track
              ulty Affairs at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine,
        Reffective August 1. Dr. Kalhan is a distinguished Louis A. Simpson Pro-  and analyze lung health in millennials, supported by a $26 million grant from
                                                                            the National Institutes of Health’s National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
        fessor of Pulmonary Medicine and professor of Medicine in the Division of
        Pulmonary and Critical Care.                                          To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
           “We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Ravi Kalhan as the new Associate Dean
        for Faculty Affairs. Dr. Kalhan’s leadership experience in the Center for Ed-         our website

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