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BUSINESS EYE                                                         AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 37

                                                              TECH T@LK

        OnePlus announces Open Apex edition with VIP mode

                    The introduction of this mode in the Apex Edition sets a high standard for privacy

                                     and security in mobile devices, according to GSM Arena

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            simple adjustment of the alert slider.
                                                                                                                  This functionality mirrors, and in
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              some cases, surpasses the privacy fea-
               nePlus has announced its lat-                                                                  tures seen in Oppo’s VIP mode found
               est device, the OnePlus Open                                                                   on their Find N3 and Find X7 Ultra
        OApex Edition, on August 7.                                                                           models, according to GSM Arena.
        This new model will be distinguished                                                                      While OnePlus has not disclosed
        by its striking Crimson Shadow colour                                                                 all the functionalities of VIP Mode at
        and  faux  leather  finish,  according  to                                                            this  stage,  the  feature  is  expected  to
        GSM Arena.                                                                                            offer additional privacy controls that
            Notably, the Apex Edition will in-                                                                align with the growing demand for en-
        troduce a new privacy feature known                                                                   hanced data protection.
        as VIP Mode, aimed at enhancing                                                                           The introduction of this mode in
        user security and control.                                                                            the Apex Edition sets a high standard
            The VIP Mode, as teased in a re-                                                                  for privacy and security in mobile de-
        cent post on X, represents a significant                                                              vices, according to GSM Arena. Fur-
        advancement in privacy features.                                                                      thermore, it is anticipated that One-
            Designed to  give users greater                                                                   Plus will extend this VIP Mode feature
        control over their personal informa-   While OnePlus has not disclosed all the functionalities of VIP Mode at this stage,    to  other  models  within  the  OnePlus
        tion, this mode allows for the quick de-  the feature is expected to offer additional privacy controls that align with the growing demand   Open series, broadening its impact
        activation of the device’s cameras, mi-            for enhanced data protection (Agency photo)        across their device lineup. (With agen-
        crophone, and location services with a                                                                cy reports)

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