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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 30

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                          HAMSA BALAKRISHNAN                                                         AMISH SHAH

              MIT School of Engineering                                     Democrat wins Arizona’s Primary

                    names associate dean                                        for 1st Congressional District

                                                                                  mish Shah, a former state legislator, emerged victorious in a crowded
                                                                                 Democratic primary for Arizona’s 1st Congressional District. As a med-
                                                                            Aical doctor, Shah secured the Democratic nomination, setting the stage
               amsa Balakrishnan has been appointed as the associate dean of the   for a November showdown with seven-term incumbent Republican David Sch-
               MIT School of Engineering, effective August 1, 2024. She is a profes-  weikert. His main opponent, Andrei Cherny, conceded the race as Shah led by
        Hsor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AeroAstro)  1,629 votes with a 23.9% to 21.4% lead.
        and has made significant contributions to the field, particularly in the area of
        air transportation systems.                                         “While it’s hard to come so close and fall short, win or lose, there
            Her research interests are in the design, analysis, and implementation
        of control and optimization algorithms for large-scale cyber-physical infra- are dreams worth chasing and things worth fighting for – and
        structures, with an emphasis on air transportation systems. These include air-  democracy, freedom, and America’s future couldn’t be higher on
        port congestion control algorithms, air traffic routing and airspace resource
        allocation methods, machine learning for weather forecasts and flight delay  that list,” mentioned Andrei Cherny on X.
        prediction, and methods to mitigate environmental impacts.
            As associate dean, Balakrishnan will focus on efforts to attract, retain,   Shah thanked and stated in a post on X, “I want to express my heartfelt
        and support top talent across all academic levels in the School of Engineering.  gratitude for your support. We have always run a campaign that is grassroots,
        She will help lead and shape various faculty-focused programs and will help   positive, and substantive. We engage voters directly to build a community,
        manage  many  of  the  school’s  student-facing  programs  and  initiatives.  Bal-  and we look forward to making a tangible difference in the lives of the people
        akrishnan will also support both faculty and students across the school with   we serve.”
        regards to fellowships, awards, and honors.                             Amish Shah, MD, MPH was born and raised in Chicago, Il. His mother
           “Professor Balakrishnan’s passion and dedication have already made a   and father were engineering students who immigrated from India in the 1960s.
        lasting impact on the School of Engineering. I am delighted to welcome her   Since 2019, he has been a member of the Arizona House of Representa-
        to the School of Engineering faculty leadership team,” says Anantha Chan-  tives, serving Central Phoenix, Sunnyslope and South Scottsdale. He has been
        drakasan, dean of the School of Engineering.                        the recipient of several awards for the quality of his service, including the
            As principal investigator of the Dynamics, Infrastructure Networks, and  Arizona Capitol Times’ Best Political Rising Star for two consecutive years,
        Mobility (DINaMo) group, Balakrishnan and her team research the modeling,  the Arizona Medical Association’s Distinguished Community Service Award,
        analysis, control, and optimization of modern infrastructure systems. They   and the Humane Society’s Legislator of the Year. He is the recipient of the
        have collaborated with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, NASA, and   2022 Legislator of the Year / Women’s’ Health Champion Award from the
        major airports to address challenges such as advanced air mobility, air traffic   American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
        congestion, and airport operations.                                                                          Continued on next page... >>

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