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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 28

         NYC Aging and KPMG LLP Host Community Service Day to

         Promote Healthy Diets and Ways to Stay Civically Engaged

            Older adults received Farmers Market Nutrition Program coupon booklets and additional

                                resources to purchase nutritious food at a local Greenmarket

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            today’s program anchored in healthy
                                                                                                              living,” said Brooklyn Borough Pres-
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              ident Antonio Reynoso. “Thank you
           n  its  ongoing  efforts  to  support                                                              to NYC Aging and KPMG for provid-
           older New Yorkers’ access to                                                                       ing older adults with tips for healthy
        Ihealthy foods and opportunities                                                                      eating and access to opportunities
        to remain engaged in their commu-                                                                     for continued civic engagement.”
        nities, on Tuesday August 6, the NYC                                                                      “Today’s event underscores the
        Department for  the Aging  (NYC                                                                       profound effect of meaningful part-
        Aging) and KPMG LLP hosted a                                                                          nerships on enhancing the lives of
        Community Service event at Brook-                                                                     older New Yorkers,” expressed Msgr.
        lyn Borough Hall. KPMG volunteers                                                                     Alfred LoPinto, President and CEO
        joined NYC Aging staff to host this                                                                   of Catholic Charities Brooklyn and
        exciting public-private collaboration,                                                                Queens  and  affiliates.  “The  Farm-
        where attendees learned about the                                                                     ers Market Nutrition Program event
        importance of maintaining a healthy                                                                   highlights New York City’s dedica-
        diet and the volunteer programs of-                                                                   tion to its older adults, and the par-
        fered through NYC Aging.                                                                              ticipation of volunteers and generous
            At the event, KPMG volunteers                                                                     donors  exemplifies  the  significance
        were each matched with an older                                                                       of collective commitment and com-
        adult from the nearby Catholic Char-                                                                  munity involvement.”
        ities Brooklyn and Queens New Age  traveled together to the Brooklyn   their entire lives. The event show-  “We’re thrilled to collaborate
        Older Adult Center. Then, a presen-  Borough Hall Greenmarket, where   cased  the  power  of  a  balanced  diet   with the New York City Department
        tation on NYC Aging’s Friendly Vis-  they used their FMNP coupons and   and remaining active, all while com-  of Aging in support of providing ed-
        iting Program took place, to inform  the $25 they received to buy fresh   ing together for a good cause,” said   ucational resources and access to lo-
        older adults about opportunities to  produce and other healthy offerings.  NYC Aging Commissioner Lorraine   cally grown fruits and vegetables to
        use their knowledge, talents, and     This event is part of KPMG’s   Cortés-Vázquez. “The event helped   the community through the Farmer’s
        skills to support their fellow New  annual Community Impact Day. In   to foster new friendships and ad-  Market Nutrition Program,” Lorna
        Yorkers.                          collaboration with the KPMG U.S.   vanced our mission to reduce food   Stark, KPMG US Line of Business
            In addition, each older adult re-  Foundation, KPMG employees par-  insecurity among older adults. We   Leader, Government & Healthcare,
        ceived a Farmers Market Nutrition  ticipated in volunteer events around   are grateful for the support from all   said. “At KPMG, we’re committed to
        Program (FMNP) coupon booklet  the country to support causes they   our volunteers who made this event   volunteering and giving back to the
        valued at $25, redeemable at par-  are passionate about while address-  a success and look forward to creat-  communities where we live and work.
        ticipating farmers markets across  ing pressing needs of the local com-  ing more opportunities to unite New   We actively seek out opportunities like
        the city. To supplement the coupon  munities.                       Yorkers in the future.”           this to work with organizations that
        booklet, KPMG also provided each      “Today, we brought residents      “Events like this embody the   align with our values and believe we
        older adult with an additional $25 to  together to highlight the supports   spirit  of  celebrating  Brooklyn  can make a broader impact together.”
        help purchase even more fresh fruits  available to help older adults age in   through service, and I am proud that   Photos: NYC Department
        and vegetables. Afterward, the pairs  the communities they have lived in   Brooklyn Borough Hall was used for    for the Aging

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