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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 24

                      Anil Kaul: Professor leaves

         a lasting impression at Oklahoma

                                           State University

               r. Anil Kaul, clinical professor
               and program director of Glob-
        Dal Health at Oklahoma State
        University Center for Health Scienc-
        es, recently retired after 17 years of
        dedicated service in global and public
        health, including taking a leading role
        in Oklahoma’s COVID-19 testing
            “OSU has been like a family,
        and  the  Tulsa  community  has  been
        incredibly supportive. The opportu-
        nities provided by OSU-CHS have
        allowed me to grow professionally,
        and  I  have  enjoyed  contributing  to
        the institution’s mission,” Kaul said.
            Growing up in Kashmir, India,
        Kaul was inspired by his father, a
        maxillofacial surgeon, and he pur-
        sued medicine and dentistry at
        Madras Medical College and King
        George’s Medical University, both in
            His interest in public health be-
        gan during his obstetrics and gyne-
        cology training at the University of
        Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
        His passion further developed at the
        University of Minnesota, where he
        worked with the Minnesota Depart-                                              Dr. Anil Kaul
        ment of Health.

                                          interconnected and the health of an  Kaul has had a positive impact on  number of awards including the Ex-
        In 2007, Kaul joined OSU-         individual is influenced by the global  global health, not only by establish-  peditionary Service Award from the
        CHS as  a faculty member in       health of people, animals and the en-  ing and directing OSU-CHS’s Glob-  U.S. Secretary of State in 2013 and a
                                                                            al Health degree program but also  Lifetime Achievement Award at the
                                          vironment,” Kaul said
        the Department of Obstetrics          While the increase in global  through his international work.   Indo-Global Healthcare Summit in
                                                                                In  conjunction  with  U.S.  gov-
        and Gynecology (OBGYN). He        communication, trade and travel has   ernment and military global health   2014. Kaul said he had overcome chal-
                                          many  benefits,  it  also  creates  chal-
        established a clinical labora-    lenges.                           projects, Kaul has traveled across the  lenges and accomplished a lot during
                                              “The movement of people and  world training health care workers to  his career at OSU-CHS, but he hopes
        tory, which later evolved into    goods facilitates the spread of in-  detect and respond to emerging in-  he leaves a legacy of dedication, in-
        the  High-Complexity  Diagnos-    fectious diseases, which can lead to  fectious diseases.            novation and service that will inspire

        tic Laboratory. His job then      epidemics and even pandemics like     “Global health is crucial because  future health care professionals.
                                          COVID-19, which touched every cor-  we are interconnected. The health   “I will miss working with my col-
        expanded to teaching global  ner of the globe,” he said.            of individuals is influenced by global  leagues at OSU-CHS, who always
        health courses and developing         During the COVID-19 pandem-   factors, and my work has focused on  work as a team to achieve our insti-
                                          ic, OSU-CHS served as a drive-thru  building capacity and training health-  tutional goals. But most importantly
        the master’s degree program in  testing location and having Kaul’s  care professionals globally,” he said.  I will miss teaching and mentoring
        global health under the School    High-Complexity  Diagnostic  Labo-  “Through global health, we also edu-  our students,” he said. “It is an honor
                                                                                                              to be a teacher and help our future
                                          ratory on site meant people got their  cate ourselves and learn how to deliv-
        of Health Care Administration.    results in a matter of hours instead of  er efficient health care in cost-effec-  generation. I’m sure I will continue
                                          days.                             tive ways.”                       to pursue these goals even during my
            “As humans, we are inexorably     During his decades-long career,   He’s also been recognized with a  retirement.”

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