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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              AUGUST 16, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 20

                                         It was a ‘Divine Party’:

         Siddhguru showers grace at New York event

                                          followers believe he commands su-  dhi,” centered on Siddhguru sharing
        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            increasing faith among those striving
                                          pernatural powers, he selflessly uses  deep and unspoken truths from sa-
        New York, NY                      his miraculous abilities to heal all be-  cred texts publicly for the first time.  for conscious change.
                                                                                                                  All those listening to him felt a
                                          ings at the soul level.               The event was co-hosted by
             ilmmaker Neha Lohia hosted       He has devoted his potency to  Parveen Chopra, founder and editor   surge of self-confidence and self-es-
             an extraordinary gathering in                                                                    teem when he told them, “Each one
        FNew York with co-host Parveen    developing Siddhasana, a holistic  of web mag-   of you is unique - a Masterpiece.”
                                          practice to empower all who come in  azine, and attended by many notable
        Chopra where invited guests had the   contact with him. He says it is meant  dignitaries, doctors, scientists, artists,   The gracious guru led the attend-
        unique opportunity to receive bless-  for the current and future genera-  healers and light workers. They in-  ees in chanting ancient and powerful
        ings individually from Sri Brahmrishi   tions who are ready for this truly rev-  cluded psychiatrist Anna Yusim MD,   mantras for health, abundance, and
        Siddhguru Gurudev.                olutionary and powerful technology  fashion designers Prashant Goyal   wish fulfillment. Each guest received
            Siddhguru said the lucky peo-                                                                     personal blessings, including precious
        ple in the room should thank their   designed to make the soul powerful.  and Jim Su, actor Alex Garfin, Em-  gems and rare gifts manifested by the
                                          “We have advanced and created a lot  my-nominated filmmaker Tirlok Ma-
        friend, Neha, for not organizing a   of technology to be fit externally, but  lik, Kunal Sood, and Dr Sumul Rav-  Siddhguru, propelling them further
        wine party. Instead, she treated them   our souls are depleting. We need to  al of AAPI World Health Congress,   towards their goals.
        to “a Divine Party”, a transformative   strengthen our souls with active prac-  which was inaugurated the same   The  evening  also  featured  a
        experience, raising spirits in a way   tice and utmost urgency,” the Siddh-  morning by Siddhguru.    glimpse of the Siddhasana technique,
        New York has never seen before.    guru emphasized.                     During his inspiring talk, Siddh-  conducted by Shilpa Shyamsukha
            The event on July 18 at the Mar-                                                                  Mehta, one of Siddhguru’s trained
                                              Neha Lohia adds that this cru-
                                                                            guru addressed the growing rate of
        riott Marquis Hotel was a celebration   cial message will be explored further  depression  in  affluent  communities   facilitators. Devotees and new fol-
        of spiritual elevation, where souls   in her upcoming documentary, “Sid-  and emphasized the importance of   lowers alike were deeply moved by
        and spirits were uplifted by Siddhgu-                                                                 the Siddhguru’s grace, blessings, and
        ru’s gracious presence and divinely                                                                   profound teachings.
        inspirational message.                                                                                    “He is enlightened, and I am so
            Cautioning that modern life has                                                                   fortunate that I followed my intuition
        many ways that deplete our soul en-                                                                   and came to this event,” said Aleta
        ergy, he encouraged the assembled                                                                     St. James, who empowers millions of
        people to follow and pursue all that                                                                  American women with her life-shift-
        strengthens soul energy.                                                                              ing healing modalities.
            Siddhguru Sri Brahmrishi Sid-                                                                         In the run-up to Guru Purni-
        dheshwar  Gurudev is renowned for                                                                     ma (July 21), the master blessed all
        his profound knowledge of Vedic                                                                       present and especially showered his
        science including a PhD in astrology,                                                                 abundant love on the hosts, empow-
        and his perch at the pinnacle of con-                                                                 ering them to keep walking the path
        sciousness after acquiring riddhi-sid-                                                                of dharma and creating more oppor-
        dhis with his relentless sadhana of                                                                   tunities for sangha, the community
        many decades.                                                                                         of conscious friends who come  to-
            He adroitly addressed the pre-                                                                    gether to share how to elevate con-
        dominantly English-speaking au-                                                                       sciousness.
        dience in his uniquely innocent yet                                                                     Photos by Rob Klein and Christine
        power-packed style. As a guru whose                                                                      Mendes. Courtesy: Neha Lohia.

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