Page 16 - The Indian EYE 081624
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                               AUGUST 16, 2024

        Mayor Adams Announces Community Improvement

          Coalition for Public Safety and to Enhance Quality

                              of Life on 14th Street in Manhattan

               Coalition Includes NYPD, Homeless Services, Health, Sanitation, and Local Partners

                                 to Create a Cleaner, Safer, and More Vibrant Neighborhood

        OUR BUREAU

        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams was
               joined on Thursday by New York City Po-
        Nlice Department (NYPD) Commissioner
        Edward A. Caban, New York City Department of
        Sanitation (DSNY) Commissioner Jessica Tisch,
        New York City Department of Homeless Services
        (DHS) Administrator Joslyn Carter, and New York
        City Department of Mental Health and Hygiene
        (DOHMH) Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan to
        announce a targeted multi-agency enforcement
        strategy on 14th Street between 1st Avenue and
        Avenue A in Lower Manhattan to protect public
        safety and improve quality of life. Part of the Ad-
        ams administration’s “Community Link” initiative,
        the “14th Street Community Improvement Coali-
        tion”  is a result of an ongoing partnership between
        the Adams administration and community partners
        to address recent deterioration in the neighbor- and the ‘14th Street Community Improvement  and I know how critical it will be to maintain this
        hood, and is anchored by a $1 million investment  Coalition’ precisely addresses these concerns —  so that folks can continue to feel safe.”
        for a new Mobile Command Center to be placed on   enhancing quality of life and making the East Vil-  The community is served by the 9th and 13th
        14th Street, secured as part of the fiscally-responsi- lage safer,” said Mayor Adams. “Our administra- Police Precincts, where officers have worked dili-
        ble $112.4 billion Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Adopted   tion does not and will not tolerate an atmosphere  gently and collaboratively to reduce crime and ad-
        Budget passed in June.                       where anything goes. That’s why our multi-agency  dress community concerns. Overall major crime in
            The multi-agency coalition will work to ad- approach, working in partnership with local elect- the 9th Precinct has decreased 29.1 percent year
        dress a range of public safety issues, including ille- ed officials and community members, will keep our  to date, from 1,058 reported crimes in 2023 to 750
        gal vending, retail theft, substance use, the mental   streets safe and our businesses thriving, and we are   reported this year. Overall major crime in the 13th
        health crisis, beautification, cumbersome scaffold- already seeing an impact — with crime dropping  Precinct has decreased 6.8 percent year to date,
        ing that drives quality-of-life issues, unlicensed can- in both the 9th and 13th Police Precincts this year.  from 1,016 reported crimes in 2023 to 947 this year.
        nabis shops, and more. Over the past several weeks,  Additionally, our efforts are being anchored by a $1  While the community has seen these substantial
        multi-agency teams have been deployed on walk- million investment in a new NYPD Mobile Com- drops in crime, recent incidents have still caused
        throughs to observe issues in real time and speak  mand Center, which  will maintain a visible pres-  community concern.
        with local community members and businesses   ence and allow our law enforcement to be mobile   The 14th Street Community Improvement
        on the ground. They have also identified specific   to meet the communities’ needs. I thank Coun- Coalition will also feature a $1 million investment
        individuals in the area who may need connections   cilmember Powers and Councilmember Rivera for  for a state-of-the-art Mobile Command Center,
        to services, such as housing or medical care, and   their partnership on this important initiative.”  secured in the FY25 Adopted Budget. The vehi-
        make referrals to the appropriate city agency or   “For years, I have called for solutions to ad-  cle will initially be stationed in the vicinity of 14th
        service provider. Additionally, to facilitate direct  dress the persistent problems on 14th Street,” said   Street between 1st Avenue and Avenue A and the
        lines of communication between the community  New York City Councilmember Keith Powers. “I  NYPD will maintain the flexibility to relocate the
        and police, the 9th and 13th Police Precincts have   live across the street in Stuyvesant Town and I walk  unit as circumstances dictate. The Mobile Com-
        established a WhatsApp chat with business owners   this block every day. The ‘14th Street Commu- mand Center will be staffed by NYPD uniformed
        on the East 14th Street corridor to identify and ad- nity Improvement Coalition’ is the type of effort  officers and will serve as a central hub for law en-
        dress issues in real time and offer a unique channel   we need to maintain the progress made over the   forcement operations in the area. It will have the
        to respond to community concerns.             course of the last month in cleaning up our neigh-  capacity  to  facilitate  communication  and  coordi-
           “When  we  came  into  office,  we  had  a  clear  borhood. I am grateful to Mayor Adams and his   nation  among  officers  —  ensuring  efficient  and
        mission: protect public safety, rebuild our econo- team for recognizing the need for these resources   effective responses to all manner of quality-of-life
        my, and make our city more affordable and livable,  and allocating them appropriately. My neighbors   conditions, incidents of crime, and major events.

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