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NATION                                                                          AUGUST 13, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                     9

        peace and stability to the region.  entirely. Instead, they could set- stan to protect its interests. And  Because,  firstly,  it  will  send  a
        And that is the “Afghan-led, Af- tle the matter by sharing power.  currently, there are no other  message to the Taliban that In-
        ghan-owned” principle.               If these negotiations reach a  methods for India to help bring  dia is working against them in
            Russia, United States, and  treaty successfully.                     peace and protect her interests.     Afghanistan. And in the future,
        even China have proposed and            Then India could have an             Helping out the Afghan gov- if the Taliban succeeds to occu-
        have emphasized to lead this  indirect  influence  in  Afghani- ernment is again a bad idea.  py Kabul. India won’t have any
        principle in Afghanistan. It’s an                                                                             plates at the party.
        undeniable truth that the Tali-                                                                                   Unfortunately,  the situa-
        ban is an undetachable part and                                                                               tion seems to be going in that
        power in Afghanistan. There-                                                                                  direction as well. Within a few
        fore, Intra Afghan negotiations                                                                               months, the Taliban has suc-
        are vital to end this war.                                                                                    ceeded to control most of the
            It’s also true that current-                                                                              districts, Strategic locations, and
        ly, every group in Afghanistan                                                                                border crossings in the country.
        has external support, which has                                                                               And Afghan forces have been
        helped them stand and contin-                                                                                 escaping  and  surrendering in
        ue the war. According to the                                                                                  front of the Taliban.
        experts of Foreign Policy, India                                                                                  From these sources solely,
        can protect its interests in Af-                                                                              the Taliban is collecting millions
        ghanistan only with the ALAO                                                                                  of dollars monthly and increasing
        principle. She needs to initiate a                                                                            their power and morale. There-
        diplomatic run on a priority ba-                                                                              fore, the only way remaining for
        sis to help arrange Intra Afghan                                                                              India  is  to  bring  all the stake-
        negotiations.                                                                                                 holders to one table and initiate
            Because undoubtedly, as a        The Afghan Republic and the Taliban negotiation teams during a high-level   negotiations to create a lon-
        result of negotiations, a single                               meet, in Doha (ANI)                            ger period of peace agreement
        group cannot seize the country                                                                                between  the  Afghan  groups.

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