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NATION AUGUST 13, 2021 | The Indian Eye 11
ed. Why it was there up to Au- everyone on the service to fa- mission for Protection of Child as the concerns expressed as a
gust 5?” he asked. miliarize themselves with the Rights (NCPCR) about specif- matter of the Indian law,” stat-
Clarifying its position re- Twitter Rules and report any- ic content on the platform that ed the spokesperson.
garding blocking accounts of thing they believe is in viola- allegedly revealed the identity “As explained in our Help
Congress party and several of tion,” the spokesperson said. of an alleged sexual assault vic- Center, if a Tweet was found
its leaders, Twitter on Thursday Citing reason behind block- tim’s (and a minor’s) parents. to be in violation of the Twit-
said its rules are enforced judi- ing accounts the company said “We reviewed it against Twit- ter Rules, and has yet to be
ciously and impartially for ev- it was alerted by National Com- ter Rules and policies, as well deleted by the account holder,
eryone on its service. In a state- we hide it behind a notice and
ment, a Twitter spokesperson the account remains locked
said the microblogging site it until the Tweet is removed or
will continue to take proactive the appeal is successfully pro-
action if its rules are violated. cessed,” they added.
“The Twitter Rules are enforced On Wednesday, Mumbai
judiciously and impartially for Regional Congress Commit-
everyone on our service. We tee’s official Twitter handle
have taken proactive action on was also blocked for violating
several hundred Tweets that its rules, said Charan Singh
posted an image that violated Sapra, Committee Working
our Rules and may continue to President. The Congress ear-
do so in line with our range of lier said the Twitter account
enforcement options. Certain of party leader Rahul Gandhi
types of private information has been temporarily suspend-
carry higher risks than others, ed and he will stay connected
and our aim is always to pro- through other social media
tect individuals’ privacy and Indian Youth Congress activists during a candle march after a minor girl platforms and continue to
safety. We strongly encourage was allegedly raped and murdered, in New Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI) raise the voice of people.
www.TheIndianEYE .com