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OPINION AUGUST 13, 2021 | The Indian Eye 13
amidst the economic uncertain- In many ways, China’s re- been proposed in 2013 as “One measured response and not en-
ty arising from the pandemic. sponse to the formation of B3W Belt, One Road”) with fully tirely unexpected. In some ways,
Moreover, no multilateral proj- has been along expected lines. firmed, concrete plans, whereas Beijing is perhaps well aware of
ect management instruments Beijing has used the launch of the B3W was still abstract and the difficulty that B3W may face
have been declared and there B3W to further promote its BRI still unsure of its financing ca- in terms of its execution and ac-
is no clear indication of which while highlighting the shortcom- pacity. This was, by and large, a tualisation.
G7 agreed companies will be ings of the US-backed initiative.
willing to do the global con- For instance, the Chinese Vice Jagannath P. Panda is Research Fellow at Manohar Parrikar Institute
tracting work. It is important to Foreign Minister commented for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
note that apart from domestic that the launch of B3W only Views expressed are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
Chinese banks of international showed how necessary, “right
repute, Beijing is successfully and promising” the BRI was. views of the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the Government of India.
using AIIB and NDB for exe- He added that the BRI was al- This is the abridged version of the article which appeared first in the
cuting or advancing BRI proj- ready a well-developed, “open” Comment section of the website ( of Manohar Parrikar In-
ects and diplomacy. and “inclusive” venture (having stitute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi on August 4, 2021
www.TheIndianEYE .com