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OPINION                                                                         AUGUST 13, 2021  |     The Indian Eye                     12

             Build Back Better (B3W) Initiative:

                   a partnership against

                                or Beyond China?

            Taking into account the complex China factor, B3W must be considered in the context of the

          Indo-Pacific narrative and in connection with other regional ventures. Amidst such constraints,

               B3W may emerge more as a complement than an alternative to Belt and Road Initiative

        JaGannaTh p. panda

              he question of China as a
              (revolutionary)     revision-
       Tist actor looms large over
        the Indo-Pacific. Building influ-
        ence and changing status quo
        through  infrastructure  financ-
        ing and connectivity promotion
        have been the most critical as-
        pects of China’s Belt and Road
        Initiative (BRI) that Xi Jinping
        has been advancing since com-
        ing to power in 2013. Debates
        over “quality” vs “quantity”
        and transparency of the infra-
        structure  financing  have  been
        at  the  forefront  of  global  per-
        ception vis-à-vis the BRI, both
        regionally and globally. China’s  Chinese President Xi Jinping and top officials at the closing session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
        influence  operations  and  au-                            Conference (CPPCC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing (ANI)
        thoritarian strategic ambit have
        substantially grown along with  infrastructure  needs  of  low  argues that although B3W has  tors (particularly technology),
        the thinking among the demo- and middle-income countries”.  been framed as a competitor to  the two initiatives could very
        cratic nations about how—and  More importantly, this initiative  BRI, in reality, such a narrative  well operate as complementary
        if—Beijing’s BRI operations  is seen as a strategic umbrella  is derived from a broader US– to each other. Like BRI, B3W
        can be balanced out.                 aimed  at  building  a  coalition  China great power competition.  expects to harvest cross-nation-
            Keeping this perspective  among low and middle-income  In fact, B3W has several distinct  al cooperation, cross-continen-
        in view, at the 47th Group of  countries, led by the US and  areas of focus compared to BRI  tal connectivity and regional
        Seven (G7) meeting—in which  other G7 countries.                         and hence can emerge both as  synergy between the countries
        Australia, India, South Korea           The central question this  a complement and a competitor  in question while working on
        and South Africa were guest  issue brief aims to address is:  to the BRI.                                     large-scale projects in the de-
        participants—the world’s sev- What are the strategic objec-                  Taking into account the com- veloping world. Nonetheless,
        en largest industrial democ- tives  guiding  this  venture  and  plex China factor, B3W must be  B3W is yet to develop from an
        racies (United States, United  its relevance in a rapidly evolv- considered in the context of the  ambitious  vision  partnership
        Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Italy,  ing        democratic–authoritarian Indo-Pacific  narrative  and  in  into a substantial practical ar-
        Germany and France) launched         divide primarily triggered by  connection with other  region- rangement.  Though  no  financ-
        the US-led Build Back Better  a  US–China rivalry? Further- al ventures. Amidst such con- ing commitments have been
        World (B3W) initiative. Per- more, is it a partnership to bal- straints, B3W may emerge more  made, competing with BRI’s
        ceived widely as a counter to  ance (or counter) China’s BRI  as a complement than an alter- approximately US$ 4.2 trillion
        China’s BRI, the B3W is essen- or just a partnership among  native to BRI. Although they  (intended) funding will in itself
        tially  “an  affirmative  initiative  democracies outside of China’s  may be clearly in competition  be a mammoth task, especially
        for meeting the tremendous  unilateral practice? The brief  in terms of goals for certain sec-                   Continued on next page... >>

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