Page 16 - The Indian EYE 081222
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                               AUGUST 12, 2022

                                                       US PRIMARY ELECTIONS

                     Padma Kuppa, Shri Thanedar

             & Dimple Ajmera make big impact

                                      with impressive wins

              Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, state Senator Manka Dhingra and state

                            Representative Vandana Slatter move on to the November elections

                         Padma Kuppa                                  Shri Thanedar                                 Dimple Ajmera

                any  Indian-American  can-  tion at the elementary level,” Kuppa   on several issues that impact them in   ly-decisive Democratic primary in the
                didates have been success-  said in a recent exclusive interview.  the state legislature,” says Kuppa who   open 13th Congressional District seat
        Mful in the primary elections         Kuppa, who lived in America as a   supports immigration reforms based   anchored in Detroit as his main op-
        held across several states of the US   child with her parents, who were PhD   on  employment  and  elimination  of   ponents, state Senator Adam Hollier
        this week. Padma Kuppa, 56, a two-  students, and went back as a master’s   country-based  caps  which  adversely   and Focus: HOPE CEO Portia Rob-
        term  state  representative  in  Michi-  student  herself  and  later  got  a  job,   affect Indians.  erson, conceded the race.”
        gan, who is now running for the state   feels that her biggest challenges as an   In  another  important  develop-  It reported Wednesday that with
        Senate from the 9th district, was un-  immigrant  have  been  understanding   ment,  entrepreneur  and  Michigan   99 per cent of the vote counted, Mr
        opposed for the Democratic primary   how the political system works in the   state  representative,  Shri  Thanedar   Thanedar,  “who  poured  millions  of
        on August 2 and will now face Repub-  US and finding campaign funding.  has won the Democratic primary for   his own money into the race, led with
        lican  candidate  Michael  Webber,  in   “My immigrant background and   the state’s 13th Congressional district.   28 per cent, compared to 23.5 per cent
        the November 2022 elections, accord-  my own journey, from a student on an   Indian-American  Impact,  an  orga-  for Mr Hollier and 17 per cent for Fo-
        ing to various media reports      F1 visa through the long wait on the   nization  that  supports  South  Asians   cus: HOPE CEO Portia Roberson in
            “My reasons for coming into the   H1B  work  visa  for  permanent  resi-  running for political office, is celebrat-  the newly drawn 13th Congressional
        political  scene  were  because  I  rec-  dency, has made me a strong advocate   ing his being on the November ballot.  District.” It said Mr Thanedar led Mr
        ognised many gaps in the American   for many Indian families who are fac-  The Detroit Free Press reported   Hollier by about 3,800 votes- 22,302
        dream including issues such as equity   ing the challenge of waiting for sever-  that  Mr  Thanedar,  “who  has  been   to 18,513- and was well ahead of the
        in pay for women; equal opportunities   al years for green cards. They are not   representing a state House district in   other  candidates  in  the  nine-person
        for all children and funding for educa-  voters,  but  I  have  raised  awareness   Detroit for two years”, won the “like-  Continued at next page... >>

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