Page 18 - The Indian EYE 081222
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               AUGUST 12, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 18

        Padma Kuppa, Shri Thanedar & Dimple Ajmera make big impact with impressive wins

                        Pramila Jayapal                              Manka Dhingra                                 Vandana Slatter

        field, according to unofficial results.  try establishes immeasurable progress  Ohio state’s 11th House district and   Her  parents  immigrated  to  the
            “In  November,  he  will  face  Re-  in our battle to expand Indian Ameri-  Priya Sundareshan for the state Sen-  US from India when she was just 16
        publican  Martell  Bivings,  who  has  can representation within our elected  ate from the 18th district in Arizona.  with almost no resources and she cred-
        worked as a liaison with the Detroit  government,” the organization said.  In  yet  another  electoral  success,  its them for instilling in her the values
        Economic  Growth  Corporation  and    “Thanedar’s primary win is a his-  Indian-American Dimple Ajmera was  of  hard  work,  education,  and  giving
        ran  unopposed  in  the  Republican  toric  first  for  the  South  Asian  com-  re-elected as councillor of Charlotte,  back  to  the  community.  “My  goals
        primary. But in this solidly Democrat-  munity. We congratulate him and his  North Carolina city council, a position  for Charlotte are driving an equitable
        ic-leaning district, Thanedar is consid-  campaign  manager,  Linto  Thomas,  that she has held since 2017. Ajmera,  city  with  safe  sustainable  neighbor-
        ered almost certain to win,” the media  for  executing  a  powerful  campaign  the  first  Indian-American  and  the  hoods with job opportunities, efficient
        report said.                      and  moving  forward  his  candidacy  youngest woman on the Charlotte city  transportation, public safety, women’s
            Indian American Impact, an or-  for  Congressman  in  Detroit,  Michi-  council,  defeated  fellow  Democrat  equality and economic development,”
        ganization  that  focuses  on  the  Indi-  gan,” Neil Makhija, Indian-American  Braxton Winston.      Ajmera said.
        an American and South Asian com-  Impact  executive  director,  said.  He
        munity, said that despite SuperPACs  added that as a politically underrep-
        spending over USD 6.5 million in an  resented and under-engaged commu-
        unprecedented financial push to keep  nity,  Indian-Americans  nationwide
        Thanedar off the November ballot, he  were celebrating the victory.
        and  his  campaign  manager-  former   “Every  seemingly  small  win
        Indian American Impact political di-  throughout  the  country  establishes
        rector, Linto Thomas- were successful  immeasurable  progress  in  our  battle
        in  securing  Thanedar’s  victory  over  to expand Indian-American represen-
        the  Detroit  area.  It  said  Thanedar’s  tation within our elected government.
        victory  is  one  of  many  to  come  for  What happens in primaries over the
        AAPI  candidates  campaigning  na-  course  of  this  year  matters,  and  the
        tionwide to bolster support and repre-  work  we  do  to  elect  politicians  that
        sentation for their community.    look and think like us creates the foun-
            Neil  Makhija,  Indian  American  dation  necessary  for  our  community
        Impact Executive Director, said that  to participate in conversations we’ve
        Mr Thanedar’s primary win is a “his-  been excluded from for far too long.”
        toric first for the South Asian commu-  In Washington state, Democratic
        nity.” Mr Makhija congratulated Mr  Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal won
        Thanedar  and  his  campaign  manag-  the primary; while in the state prima-
        er Thomas, for executing a powerful  ries state Senator Manka Dhingra and
        campaign  and  moving  forward  his  state Representative Vandana Slatter
        candidacy  for  Congressman  in  De-  moved on to the November elections.
        troit, Michigan.                      Other  Indian-Americans  who
            “As a politically underrepresent-  were  successful  in  the  Democratic
        ed  and  under-engaged  community,  primaries  were  state  representative
        Indian  Americans  nationwide  are  Ranjeev Puri and Sam Singh and Ai-
        celebrating Shri’s victory. Every seem-  sha Farooqi for state Senate and state
        ingly small win throughout the coun-  House, in Michigan; Anita Somani for

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