Page 14 - The Indian EYE 081222
P. 14
OP-ED AUGUST 12, 2022 | The Indian Eye 14
Western flux, Pelosi
provocation and our data
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
ndia’s immediate and extended
western neighborhood is in fer-
Iment. New inter-state alignments
are emerging even as some countries
are confronting major economic
crises with political consequences.
Traditional fault lines are asserting
themselves and new cleavages are
discernible. The interplay of these
factors is adding to the complexity of
a vast and complicated region. The
diplomatic navigation of the currents
and cross-currents of this area is not
an easy task for the Narendra Modi
The western neighborhood
stretches from Pakistan and Afghan-
istan to Iran and thence to the Arab
world. The Central Asian republics,
like all states in the western neigh-
borhood, are also Islamic. However,
not only do they occupy a distinct
and, directionally from India, differ-
ent landmass but their evolution over
the past almost three centuries has
also been different. Hence, this writ-
er does not include this region in the
western neighborhood.
The changing contours of world
order, with China and Russia contest-
ing the primacy of the United States
of America, is impacting the western Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses at the first I2U2 (India-Israel-UAE-USA) leaders’ virtual summit,
neighborhood. A recent manifes- as US President Joe Biden, Israel Prime Minister Yair Lapid and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
tation of this great power contesta-
tion was witnessed in the competing listen to him, in New Delhi on Thursday. (ANI Photo/Arindam Bagchi Twitter)
themes pursued by the US president,
Joe Biden, during his visit to Israel and identification law’s subsequent rules for the purpose of any investigation. Remember how in 1992, as part of a
Saudi Arabia, and the Russian presi- to flesh out details will have safe- The reason doesn’t have to be even US Congressional delegation visiting
dent, Vladimir Putin, to Iran in July. guards to prevent abuse of power and recorded in writing. China, Pelosi had unfurled a banner
access over sensitive data. The rules, at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, ex-
-- Vivek Katju, The Telegraph (India) -- Editorial, The Times of India
which haven’t yet been placed in Par- pressing support for the young dem-
Storage of data liament, need to address some serious An Angry China onstrators who had died in the violent
concerns. suppression of the pro-democracy
he Criminal Procedure (Iden- The scope of this law impinges on he daily game over the past 10 movement in June 1989. That got her
tification) Act came into force at least two fundamental rights: priva- days has been about predicting a lot of eyeballs back home. Poking
Tyesterday. It received presi- cy and protection against self-incrim- Twhether the US House of Rep- China in the eye may help the Dem-
dential assent on April 18. It sets out ination. Any such law needs to meet resentatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ocrats in the forthcoming congressio-
the terms under which the police can stringent standards such as a clear travel itinerary in Asia would include nal elections. The domestic impera-
collect information on an individual’s link between the legislation’s goal Taiwan. The formal announcement of tive is clearly visible.
identifiers. In keeping with techno- and the means adopted to realize it. the itinerary did not include Taiwan -- Shyam Saran, The Indian Express
logical advancements, it allows col- There needs to be a safeguard against and since she finally made it to Taipei
lection of biometric identifiers such the possibility that it can be used to on Tuesday, the omission is inexpli- Every week, we look at what the top
as retina scans and biological samples. collect samples from almost anyone. cable. Surely the intention was not to commentators in the Indian media are
During the parliamentary debate To illustrate, a magistrate has to be catch the Chinese by surprise. Yes, it talking about and bring to you a slice
on this legislation, GoI assured an merely satisfied that it’s “expedient” did add drama to the visit which suits of their opinions and comments
anxious opposition that the criminal for a person’s sample to be collected the publicity-savvy Pelosi just fine.