Page 8 - The Indian EYE 072922
P. 8

NATION                                                                    JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye                     8

           Pakistani business leaders fear Sri Lanka-like

                         situation as an inflation storm rises

               Former Pakistan envoy to the US downplayed the importance of the recent bypoll win of

                                           Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            seats. Most of the PTI turncoats who
                                                                                                              voted for PML-N’s Hamza Sheh-
                                                                                                              baz Sharif for chief minister lost the
              s the dollar touched an all-                                                                    polls. Former Pakistan Prime Minis-
              time high of 224.92 against                                                                     ter claimed that PTI won the by-polls
        Athe Pakistani rupee, the busi-                                                                       despite the use of state machinery in
        ness community gathered at the                                                                        PML-N’s favor. The PTI chief also
        Federation of Pakistan Chambers of                                                                    insisted that free and fair elections
        Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) to                                                                      were the only solution to Pakistan’s
        analyze the looming threat of a Sri                                                                   woes.
        Lanka-like economic emergency.                                                                            Haqqani, who is now Director
            FPCCI President, Irfan Iqbal                                                                      for South and Central Asia at Hud-
        Sheikh has called out the free-float-                                                                 son Institute in the US, said that
        ing exchange rate of the State Bank                                                                   PTI’s bypoll win should not be seen
        of Pakistan (SBP) as the petroleum                                                                    as a big shift and this victory does not
        imports were being opened at a much                                                                   reflect  how  people  might  vote  in  a
        higher rate than the interbank rate                                                                   general election.
        and  have  emphasized  applying  reg-                                                                     “Conventional wisdom is that
        ulatory tools to minimize economic                                                                    the recent by-poll win reflects a ma-
        uncertainty, Dawn reported. “We are                                                                   jor win for Imran Khan’s PTI. But the
        not far from a Sri Lanka-like scenar-                                                                 20 seats that were contested were all
        io and radical decisions are needed                                                                   previously held by PTI so the party
        to reverse the situation,” he warned,                                                                 winning them should not be seen as a
        adding that the country does not                  Imran Khan at a rally of his supporters in Lahore   big shift. Compared to 2018 General
        even have enough foreign exchange                                                                     elections, PTI got 400,000 votes more
        reserves to cover two months of im-                                                                   on these seats while PML-N also in-
        ports.                                                                                                creased its vote total by 300,000. A
            According to an FPCCI’s press                                                                     low turnout by-election does not re-
        release,  leading  businessman  Aqeel                                                                 flect how people might vote in a gen-
        Karim Dhedhi blamed the Shehbaz                                                                       eral election,” the former envoy said.
        Sharif government for the country’s                                                                       On  the  possible impact of the
        faltering economy and said that the                                                                   win in the upcoming federal election,
        government has failed to look into                                                                    the former Pakistani diplomat said
        growing inflation. “Despite a foreign                                                                 things can change by the time of the
        exchange bloodbath, the government                                                                    next general election. He said Paki-
        has failed to appoint a governor for                                                                  stan’s “establishment” has upset ma-
        the SBP, which reflects poorly on the                                                                 jor political party’s supporters and
        government’s seriousness in dealing                                                                   that might impact its actions between
        with the situation,” he said.                                                                         now and the next election.
            In another statement, Patron                                                                          “Right now, Imran Khan is in the
        Karachi Wholesalers Grocers Group                                                                     news and his followers are emotion-
        (KWGA) Anis Majeed said the land-                                                                     ally  charged.  Things  can  change by
        ing cost of imported pulses had in-                                                                   the time of the next general election.
        creased by Rs 7-8 per kg in the last                                                                  One thing is certain. Pakistan’s estab-
        10  days  due  to  continuous  rupee                                                                  lishment has upset supporters of al-
        deprecation against the dollar and   As inflation rises with a fuel price hike, there have been protests across the country   most every major political party and
        its impact had not been passed to the                                                                 that, more than anything else, might
        wholesale rates by the traders due to   The Russia-Ukraine war has also   (PTI), which is being described as a   impact its actions between now and
        uncertain future exchange rates.  fuelled  inflation  at  the  global  level,   “game-changer” for the country’s   the next election,” he said.
            Since the Shehbaz Sharif govern-  leaving the people of Pakistan in mis-  politics.                   Answering how the Pakistani
        ment has come to power in Pakistan,   ery.                              PTI won 15 out of 20 provincial   establishment views the win secured
        the daily essentials are getting costly   Meanwhile, former Pakistan en-  seats that were up for grabs in Paki-  by Imran Khan, Haqqani contended
        and have become out of reach of the   voy  to  the  US,  Husain  Haqqani  on   stan’s most populous province, Pun-  that if Imran Khan is fighting the es-
        common man due to recent hikes in   Wednesday downplayed the impor-  jab. Its main rival in the province,   tablishment, that should mean that
        petrol prices and power tariffs, a lo-  tance of the recent bypoll win of Im-  Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s   the state apparatus should be work-
        cal media report stated.          ran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf   PML-N, managed to win just four   ing against him.

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