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BIG STORY                                                                 JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye                     5

         Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulates Droupadi Murmu on being elected as 15th   Meenakashi Lekhi with Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta show victory signs during an Abhinan-
                        President of India on Thursday (ANI Photo/PIB)        dan Yatra as Droupadi Murmu was elected the new President in New Delhi (ANI Photo)

        counting.                         ries  and  wrote,  “India’s  15th  Presi-  Odisha’s Rairangpur village, the   close to 100 million. After reaching
            Odisha is the native state of   dent-Draupadi  Murmu  (1st  person   native place of NDA’s presidential   out to the tribals during the presi-
        Pradhan. Folk artists and tribal com-  from tribal background to reach   candidate Droupadi Murmu erupt-  dential campaign, the BJP led NDA
        munity from Odisha living in Delhi   the highest position in the nation),   ed in celebrations in anticipation of   is now trying to use the election for
        gathered at Pradhan’s residence on   2nd woman President of India,   Droupadi Murmu’s victory.        the post of vice president to mobilise
        Thursday to celebrate Murmu’s an-  Congratulations Madam President,     A large crowd gathered outside   the farmers groups.
        ticipated victory. They performed   #DroupadiMurmu.”                BJP Headquarters in Delhi earlier     On Monday, shortly after Na-
        traditional dance and played dholak.  Actress  Tamannaah    Bhatia  this evening to celebrate Murmu’s   tional  Democratic  Alliance  Vice
            Speaking to reporters, the Union   also shared a picture of ‘Madame   victory. Droupadi Murmu getting   Presidential  candidate  Jagdeep
        minister said, “The nation is going to   President’ and wrote, “Congratula-  elected as the 15th President of In-  Dhankhar  filed  his  nomination  on
        create  history.  The  15th  President   tions #DraupadiMurmu- the 2nd   dia is an inspiration for everyone,   Monday, Prime Minister Narendra
        will  be  officially  announced  short-  female President of India. Empow-  her  brother  Tarinisen  Tudu  said  on   Modi  on  Monday  expressed  confi-
        ly. Nobody has any doubt in mind.   ered Women, empower the nation.   Thursday as he expressed his happi-  dence that Dhankar will be an ex-
        Daughter of a tribal family coming   #womenpower.”                  ness over the outcome of the Presi-  cellent and inspiring Vice President.
        from a very ordinary house in Odis-   Bollywood diva Anushka Sharma   dential election.               “Not even in my dreams did I think
        ha, Droupadi Murmu will be elected   congratulated  ‘Madam President’,   The election of Murmu seems to   that a common man like me would
        as the President.”                as she shared a picture of the newly   have energised the tribal communi-  be given such an opportunity. A
            “There is immense joy among   elected President and wrote, “Con-  ties across the country, whose total   farmer’s son has filed his nomination
        the deprived section of society, tri-  gratulations Madam President”.  population across the country stands   today...Grateful to PM Modi and the
        bals, women and eastern India that                                                                    leadership for this opportunity,” said
        for the first time the true meaning of                                                                Dhankhar after filing his nomination.
        democracy is coming to the fore. A                                                                        His name was announced for
        leader from such a background will                                                                    the second top constitutional post by
        reach the nation’s highest post. It                                                                   BJP chief Jagat Prakash Nadda on
        is an achievement for democracy,”                                                                     Saturday.JP  Nadda  said  Dhankhar
        added Pradhan.                                                                                        was a “Kisan-Putra” (son of a farm-
            Wishes poured in from the polit-                                                                  er) who has established himself as
        ical and film fraternity on Thursday                                                                  a “people’s governor”. Nadda also
        as Droupadi Murmu won the Presi-                                                                      urged all the parties including UPA
        dential election.                                                                                     allies to support the NDA vice presi-
            Celebrations have been ongoing                                                                    dential candidate.
        among her supporters since the an-                                                                        Dhankhar, who is a lawyer by
        nouncement was made. Following                                                                        profession, entered into politics in
        her win, celebrities took to their so-                                                                1989.  He  became  the  governor  of
        cial media handles to send their best                                                                 West  Bengal  in  July  2019  and  has
        wishes to India’s first tribal president.                                                             made  headlines since then  over his
        Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut                                                                         tumultuous relations with the Ma-
        shared a heartfelt message for Mur-                                                                   mata Banerjee government.
        mu on Instagram Stories.                                                                                  The Modi government has suc-
            Kangana Ranaut has been                                                                           ceeded in putting its candidate in
        supporting Murmu ever since her    Artists wearing traditional attires perform during the celebrations for Droupadi Murmu’s   the  presidential  office.  Now,  it  is
        name was announced as  a nomi-       election as the new President in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI Photo/ Shrikant Singh)  gearing up to make sure they win the
        nee. She took to her Instagram sto-                                                                   vice-president’s post too.

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