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BIG STORY                                                                 JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye                     4

                           INDIA’S 15TH PRESIDENT

          HISTORIC WIN!

                 NDA’s presidential candidate Droupadi Murmu has made history by winning the election with ease.
         She will be the first tribal to hold the highest office. With her victory, the Modi government has tried to mobilise
                                  support among 100 million people who belong to tribal communities

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                “Hearty Congratulations to Smt.
                                                                                                              Draupadi Murmu ji on being elected
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              as the President of India. Your role
           n a major symbolic victory for In-                                                                 in giving voice to hopes & aspirations
           dia’s tribals, the NDA’s presiden-                                                                 of people is exemplary. I hope under
        Itial candidate Droupadi Murmu                                                                        your able guidance, people of our
        was  officially  declared  as  the  15th                                                              country will make a leading contribu-
        President  of  the  country  after  the                                                               tion in building a New India,” Birla
        conclusion of the counting of votes                                                                   tweeted.
        on Thursday. Murmu received 2,824                                                                         Congress leader Rahul Gandhi
        votes with a value 6,76,803 while her                                                                 also extended best wishes to Murmu
        opponent Yashwant Sinha secured                                                                       and tweeted, “Congratulations and
        1,877 votes with a value 3,80,177. A                                                                  best wishes to Smt. Droupadi Mur-
        total of 4,809 MPs and MLAs cast                                                                      mu  ji  on  being  elected  as  the  15th
        their votes in the polling that took                                                                  President of India”.
        place on July 18.                                                                                         Bahujan Samaj Party chief May-
            Secretary General of Rajya                                                                        awati, who had extended support to
        Sabha and the Returning Officer for                                                                   Murmu’s candidature, also congratu-
        Presidential Election 2022, PC Mody                                                                   lated her on the victory and said that
        handed over the certificate to Presi-                                                                 she will prove to be an efficient pres-
        dent-elect Droupadi Murmu at her                                                                      ident. “Hearty congratulations and
        residence in Delhi.                                                                                   many best wishes to Draupadi Mur-
            Murmu  is  the  first  tribal  to  be                                                             mu, a woman of the exploited and
        elected to the highest office. She will                                                               very backward tribal society, on be-
        be the second women president of                                                                      ing elected today with huge votes in
        India.                                                                                                the election for the post of President
            Soon after the completion of the   Droupadi Murmu greets media personnel after being elected as the 15th President of   of the country. She will prove to be
        third round of counting, Prime Min-           country in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI Photo/Rahul Singh)  an efficient and successful President,
        ister Narendra Modi and BJP pres-                                                                     the country hopes such,” Mayawati
        ident JP Nadda met Murmu at her   great pride for the whole country,    Defence Minister Rajnath Singh   tweeted in Hindi.
        residence in the national capital and   I congratulate her. This victory is a   also congratulated Murmu on the   “Being the first woman presiden-
        extended greetings for her victory.   milestone in the direction of real-  victory and said that her rising from   tial candidate of ST category in the
            Wishes poured in from the polit-  izing the resolve of Antyodaya and   the poor and underprivileged posi-  country, BSP rose above party poli-
        ical fraternity on Thursday as Mur-  the empowerment of tribal society,”   tion to the “highest constitutional   tics and gave her support and vote.
        mu won the Presidential election and   Shah tweeted in Hindi.       position” is proof of the “strength of   Now the government should coop-
        is set to be the 15th President of In-  The Home Minister further said   Indian democracy”.           erate with them in fulfilling their re-
        dia. Prime Minister Narendra Modi,   that she has reached the highest   “Congratulations  to    Smt   sponsibilities  according  to  the  right
        Union Home Minister Amit Shah,    position  in  the  country  after  “fight-  Draupadi Murmu ji for registering   intention of the constitution so that
        Defence Minister Rajnath Singh    ing against the odd circumstances”   an effective victory in the Presiden-  the public expectation is fulfilled and
        and BJP president JP Nadda went   which shows the “power of our de-  tial election. She has been active for   the country’s prestige increases im-
        to meet Murmu at her residence this   mocracy”.                     public welfare in villages, poor, un-  mensely,” she added.
        evening after the conclusion of the   “Smt  Draupadi  Murmu  ji  has   derprivileged as well as in slums. To-  Meanwhile, Union Education
        third round of the counting of votes   reached this highest position of the   day she has risen from among them   Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on
        which  ensured  her  victory.  Shah,   country  today  after  fighting  against   to the highest constitutional position.   Thursday joined folk artists as they
        while congratulating Murmu, said   the odd circumstances, it shows the   This is proof of the strength of Indian   performed a tribal dance to cele-
        that her victory is a “milestone” in   immense power of our democracy.   democracy,” Singh tweeted in Hindi.  brate National Democratic Alli-
        the empowerment of tribal society.  Even after so many struggles, the   Lok  Sabha  Speaker  Om  Bir-  ance (NDA) presidential candidate
            “Coming from a very common    selfless spirit with which she devoted   la, who also reached the residence   Droupadi Murmu’s lead against the
        tribal family, NDA candidate Smt.   herself in the service of the country   of Murmu, extended greetings and   Opposition’s Yashwant Sinha af-
        Draupadi Murmu ji’s election as the   and society is inspiring for all,” Shah   said that her role in giving “voice to   ter the end of the second round of
        President of India is a moment of   tweeted.                        hopes” and is “exemplary”.               Continued at next page... >>

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