Page 10 - The Indian EYE 072922
P. 10
OPINION JULY 29, 2022 | The Indian Eye 10
Political Uncertainty in Sri Lanka:
No End in Sight
Without political stability, there is little hope for economic stability. To meet the immediate economic
needs of the people in terms of supply of food, fuel, medicines and deal with the economic crisis, the
island requires financial assistance from multilateral institutes as well as bilateral partners
GULBIN SULTANA term course of action within six
months to provide relief to the
ri Lankans who have been people oppressed by the current
chanting ‘Gota Go Home’ for economic crisis.
Sthe last three months finally • A new Constitution within a max-
succeeded in making President Go- imum period of 12 months that
tabaya Rajapaksa resign from the incorporates the provision endors-
post on 14 July 2022. The decision ing people’s sovereignty to be es-
of Gotabaya, conveyed via email to tablished through a referendum as
the Speaker of the Parliament from quickly as possible
Singapore, is being seen as a euphor- • Until a new constitution that af-
ic victory by the protesters who had firms the power of the people is
occupied the residences of both the in place, the interim government
President and the Prime Minister as within six months of its formation
well as the President’s secretariat on would focus on reduction of the
9 July. While Gotabaya’s resignation executive powers of the President;
will go down in history as one of the strengthen democratic institutions
successes of non-violent public pro- and wherever possible, a further
test, it is unlikely that the resignation democratization of the existing
alone will bring the desired political constitution.
outcome and the much-needed eco- So far, the protestors have
nomic relief to the people—which Ranil Wickremesinghe takes oath as the President of Sri Lanka, in Colombo on Thursday. achieved their demand for resigna-
was the main purpose of the Araga- (ANI Photo/Sri lanka President media) tion of the president and the end of
laya, the peoples’ struggle. Rajapaksa family rule. However, they
WRATH AGAINST THE seem to be utterly disappointed by
RAJAPAKSAS Ranil Wickremesinghe as the PM, as tors. Nearly 42 persons were injured the fact that Gotabaya has now been
he is not an elected member of the during clashes including a soldier replaced by Ranil Wickremesing-
nprecedented economic crisis Parliament, with Gotabaya Rajapak- and a police constable. Reportedly, he, who was rejected by the people
led to political chaos in the sa continuing as the President. The anti-government protesters confis- in the last election and had entered
Ucountry in the month of April, protestors, civil society members, cated a T-56 weapon and 2 maga- the Parliament through his party’s
with common people in large num- the clergy and professional groups zines with 60 rounds of ammunition national-list seat. Wickremesinghe,
bers coming onto the streets demand- like Bar Association of Sri Lanka from an Army soldier during protests who once extended his solidarity
ing resignation of President Rajapak- (BASL) and opposition parties, con- near the Parliament. with the ‘Gota Go Gama’ protestors
sa and his government. They held the tinued to demand the president’s res- Other than the resignation of Ra- and expressed his desire to engage
government accountable for contrib- ignation. They proposed an all-party japaksa government and end of Ra- with them, had also empowered the
uting to the crisis by implementing interim government for 18 months to japaksa family rule, the demands of military, as acting President, to use
faulty economic policies and failing provide immediate economic relief the Aragalaya protestors as outlined on force against those acting in a riotous
to provide effective solutions. In ad- to the people and make necessary 11 July include the following: manner.
dition, imposition of family rule, nep- changes in the constitution to reduce • Formation of an interim govern- Even though all political par-
otism, corruption, discriminatory ra- the power of the executive president ment for a maximum period of a ties have agreed to form an interim
cial policies and authoritarian style of and eventually abolish the executive year which subscribes to the eco- government, it is uncertain whether
governance made the Rajapaksa fam- Presidency. nomic, social and political aims the parliamentarians will be able to
ily a subject of public rage. The public The failure of the president to and aspirations of the people’s come to a consensus to appoint an
anger erupted and took the shape of resign on 13 July and the news of ap- struggle. interim PM or elect a President and
mass protests when the shortages of pointment of Ranil Wickremesinghe • Formation of a ‘People’s Council’ a national unity government/all-party
food, fuel, medicine and other essen- as the acting President created more which has legal standing, through government that is acceptable to the
tial items due to foreign reserves cri- unrest in Colombo. The protestors which representatives of the Ara- people. This uncertainty looms large
sis affected the lives of each and every occupied the PM’s office and also galaya will be able to effectively en- as the ruling party still holds the ma-
individual in the country. reached the Parliament where vio- gage and mediate with the interim jority in the Parliament and oppo-
There was public outcry and dis- lent clashes broke out between the government. sition parties are not united even if
satisfaction over the appointment of security personnel and the protes- • Formulation of an urgent short- Continued at next page... >>