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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 22

                    Indian American                                                    Rupi Kaur Crowned

        Political Action Committee  Mrs. Illinois American 2022

            names Dr Roopa Gir as

                        new president

        Dr. Roopa Gir takes the helm from Ramesh Anand

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he Indian American Political
              Action Committee (IAPAC)
        Thas announced Dr. Roopa
        Gir as the new President of IAPAC.
        Roopa Gir, who is a board member
        and resident of Bellaire, stepped into
        her new role with IAPAC on March
        1, 2022.
            Roopa Gir takes over the po-
        sition of President from Ramesh
        Anand, who vigorously steered the
        organization to become an engaging
        voice for Indian Americans through
        tough and challenging times due to   continued to sharpen her leadership
        COVID-19.                         and is a Senior Fellow of the Ameri-
            Roopa  Gir  brings  a  different   can Leadership Forum (ALF), Class
        background to IAPAC, which has    XLIII. She has been actively involved
        been in existence for over 25 years.   in  leadership  positions  in several
        She worked in the Oil & Gas In-   community organizations, including
        dustry  for  over  3  decades,  finishing   PANIIT USA, IIT Alumni of Greater
        her career as Director, Technolo-  Houston (IITAGH), IITRANA, and
        gy  Watch  and  Scientific  Advisor  at   TiE Houston. While a board member
        Schlumberger.                     at TiE, she led the TiE Energy SIG, a
                                          new initiative to strengthen entrepre-  OUR BUREAU                  eling, volunteer work, and spending
        In 2013, Roopa took the ini-      neurship in the energy sector. Roopa   Chicago, IL                  time with her family. She Enjoys Par-
                                          Gir currently serves on the boards of                               ticipating in Fashion Shows and Beau-
        tiative to start an educational  iEducate, Samskriti (Society of Indi-    upi made us all proud by being   ty Pageants. Her platform is Women
        nonprofit called iEducate, and    an Performing Arts in Houston), AI-     the First ever Indian American   Empowerment and throughout her
                                          CAPD (All India Citizens’ Alliance  Rto win this title and will be going   reign as Mrs. Illinois American, she
        currently serves as Chairman  for Progress & Development) and is    for the Nationals in Las Vegas in August   will continue her legacy to represent
        of this social venture in Great-  a TiE Charter Member. She chaired   2022 to compete for Mrs. American.   her community, her State, and the
                                          the 75th anniversary of the UN Day    Rupi Kaur has been in the USA   Country as a whole.
        er Houston. iEducate works  Celebration on Oct 24, 2020, which      since 2002. Her homeplace is Punjab,   Rupi believes living in USA any-
        with  major school  districts  to   was broadcast globally.         India.  She migrated to USA back in   thing is possible. USA is the land of
                                              “We are very fortunate to have   2002. She is married with two kids and   opportunities! She is always exploring
        engage college and high school  Roopa lead IAPAC for the coming     resides  in  Chicago.  Rupi  completed   and looking for the right opportuni-
        youth as co-teachers & men-       2 years,” said Jagat Kamdar, IAPAC   her  MBA  in  2013.  She  has  had  the   ties. Never take anything for granted
                                          Chairman of the Board.
                                                                            opportunities to work with some of
                                                                                                              in life, God always has a plan for ev-
        tors in underserved elementary        IAPAC is a non-partisan Politi-  the top fortune 500 companies and is   eryone, says Rupi.
        schools.                          cal Action Committee representing   currently working in Corporate. She   Rupi would like to thank you her
                                          Indian Americans of the Greater   is also a Real Estate Agent affiliated   family & friends, her sponsors and the
                                          Houston region to local, state and   with Coldwell Banker and was fea-  entire community for their support.
            Roopa Gir is a distinguished   federal officials. IAPAC’s mission is   tured in the Chicago Agent Magazine   She humbly requests you all to vote for
        alumnus of IIT Roorkee, one of    to 1) be a voice for Indian Americans   in early 2021.              her for the upcoming Nationals. The
        the oldest and highly respected en-  in the political arena, 2) to facilitate   A mother of two with a full-time   voting will begin soon and the link will
        gineering  institutions  in  India.  She   partnerships with governing elected   corporate job and a Real Estate Agent,   be shared on her social media handles.
        completed her PhD program at In-  officials and 3) engage Indian Amer-  she still manages to get involved in the   Follow Rupi Kaur and stay tuned for
        stitute Physique du Globe, Universi-  icans living in the region in the polit-  community and volunteers in many   more details.
        ty Louis Pasteur, France. Roopa has   ical process.                 Organizations. Her hobbies are trav-  --Asian Media USA

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