Page 20 - The Indian EYE 072922
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   JULY 29, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 20

         Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care organizes

              NJs largest meal packing event for Ukraine

                          SRLC Volunteers Packaging 100,000 Meals

        OUR BUREAU                        missioner  of New York Mayor Eric
                                          Adams, said, “What a commendable   SRLC founder Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji, honored by New York City Mayor Eric Adams with
                                          and amazing humanitarian work done          Proclamation Presented by Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan
             hrimad Rajchandra Love and  by Volunteers of SRLC. Guruji is full
             Care (SRLC), a global nonprofit  of love and peace, Today’s event is an
        Sorganization, conducted a com-   excellent opportunity for every New
        munity service event in the presence  Yorker to stand in solidarity with our
        of its founder, Pujya Gurudevshri  SLAVIC SISTERS AND BROTH-
        Rakeshji. (SRLC) USA.             ERS who have been impacted by the
            The   highly-anticipated  event  invasion of Ukraine. I am proud  to
        took place in the presence of the  applaud SHRIMAD RAJCHANAD-
        Spiritual Master Pujya Gurudevshri  RA LOVE AND CARE for its tire-
        Rakeshji, who is the founder of Shri-  less efforts to build a better, brighter
        mad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur  and safer future for all, and I look
        (SRMD),  and  100,000  meals  were  forward to the many ways in which it
        packed by over 1,000 passionate vol-  will continue to strengthen our city
        unteers to support the families who  in the years to come. Now, therefore,
        have been affected by the current cri-  I ERIC ADAMS, Mayor of the City
        sis in Eastern Europe and, Ukraine.    of New York, do hereby Proclaim Fri-
            Randhir Jaiswal, Consul Gener-  day, July 15th, 2022 in the City of New
        al of India to NY, Honorable James  York As “SHRIMAD RAJCHAN-
        Barberio, Mayor of the City  of Par-  DRA LOVE AND CARE DAY”.
        sippany-Troy Hills, Hon. Dilip Chau-  Shrimad Rajchandra Love and                SRLC Volunteers with Deputy Commissioner Dilip Chauhan
        han,  Deputy  Commissioner of NYC  Care is a global initiative to offer ser-
        Mayor Hon. Eric Adams, Ms. New  vice and bring joy to the lives of the
        Jersey USA, Alexandra Lakhman, a  underserved sections of society. SRLC
        first-generation Ukrainian American.  is inspired by Shrimad Rajchandraji,
            Parsippany Mayor Barberio said,  philosopher, and the spiritual guide of
        “What I do is minuscule compared to  Mahatma Gandhiji.
        what you do to support the community.”  SRLC is founded by Pujya
            Randhir Jaiswal from the Con-  Gurudevshri Rakeshji, a world-re-
        sulate General New York Office said,  nowned spiritual leader. SRLC en-
        “I’m excited to see the energy here  joys Special Consultative Status with
        which connects not just the people  the United Nations Economic & So-
        here, but also people across the world.”  cial Council. SRLC’s holistic, multi-
            Alexandra Lakhman, a first-gen-  pronged community support and
        eration Ukrainian American said,  development programs are powered
        “What your organization is doing for  by genuine empathy, love, and care
        Ukraine is truly commendable. Thank  of highly motivated volunteers. In
        you for giving us food, thank you for  response to the current Eastern Eu-
        giving us hope above all, thank you for  ropean crisis, SRLC conducted the   Parsippany Mayor Barberio, Randhir Jaiswal, Dilip Chauhan, AAPI President Ravi Kolli and
        helping the ones that needed the most.  community service event under its                   other guests at the event
            Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Com-    emergency relief care program.

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