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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 29, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
AAPI’s Cervical Cancer Vaccination Program
Concludes in Hyderabad
he HPV Vaccination Initiative
to prevent HPV related can-
Tcers including Cervical cancer
was started by the American Associ-
ation of Physicians of Indian Origin
(AAPI), in collaboration with Tanvir
Foundation concluded successfully
in Hyderabad with a virtual program
attended by leadership of AAPI and
local participation by leadership of
IMA Telangana on July 17th,” said
Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of AAPI.
“It was heartening to be part of this
noble initiative’s concluding ceremo-
ny virtually,’ he added.
The first of a kind program ad-
ministered free HPV vaccines to the
poor and underserved adolescent
girls at the local Tanvir Hospital
in Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad in
India with the objective of prevent-
ing HPV related cancers, including
cervical cancer, which is a leading
cause of cancer deaths among wom-
en in India. The initial launch of the
program was held on January 9th,
2022, during the 15th annual Global
Healthcare Summit in Hyderabad at
Tanvir Hospital, Hyderabad, India
under the leadership of Dr. Anupa-
ma Gotimukula, Immediate past
president of AAPI. “AAPI is happy
to initiate the HPV Vaccine Pro-
gram, We at AAPI, in keeping with
our efforts and initiatives to edu-
cate, create awareness and provide
support on disease prevention,”
Dr. Gotimukula, past-president of
AAPI said.
The HPV vaccination program
requires two doses of the vaccine to
prevent cancer. The 2nd phase of the
free vaccination camp was conduct-
ed on July 17th, 2022 at Tanvir Hos-
pital, Hyderabad, with the lighting of
the traditional lamp by Dr. Sampath
Rao, President of IMATelangan, Dr.
Raghunandan, President of IMA
North, Dr. Surendranath, Secretary tha Reddy said, “If vaccination pro- preventive measure is Pap test screen- preventable through HPV Vaccina-
of IMA Telangana, Dr. Meeta Singh, grams are effectively implemented, ing, a procedure during which cells are tion and Early Pap smears and cervi-
and Dr. Naunihal Singh of Tanvir approximately 90 percent of inva- collected from the surface of the cervix cal examinations. Justifiably so, one
Hospital who administered second sive cervical cancer cases worldwide and examined. The Pap test can both of our preventive campaign goals has
dose of HPV vaccine to the 100 ado- could be prevented, in addition to the detect cancer at an early stage, treat- been to provide education and vac-
lescent girls, completing the vaccina- majority of precancerous lesions.” ment outcomes tend to be better. cination for prevention of Cervical
tion program Usually, cervical cancer develops Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of Cancer in India.” For more informa-
AAPI Advisor Dr. Dwarakana- slowly over time, and another powerful AAPI believes, “Cervical Cancer is tion, please visit