Page 8 - The Indian EYE 071924
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NATION                                                                   JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                                     TERROR IN J&K

                    Top cop explains Pakistan’s deep

           footprint in the state as security forces

                          take more hits in new attacks

           J-K DGP says things had come to such a pass that the so-called mainstream political parties had started
                 cultivating leaders of terror networks and sometimes directly to further their electoral prospects

        OUR BUREAU

             our Indian Army soldiers, in-
             cluding  an  officer,  have  been
        Fkilled in action during an en-
        counter with terrorists in Jammu and
        Kashmir’s Doda district, officials said
        on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Indian
        Army successfully eliminated three
        hardcore foreign terrorists attempt-
        ing  to  infiltrate  across  the  Line  of
        Control (LoC) in the Keran Sector of
        the Kupwara District of Jammu and
        Kashmir on Monday.
            As per the officials, on the inter-
        vening night of July 13-14, acting on
        credible inputs, multiple ambushes
        were laid along the appreciated route
        of  infiltration.  Elaborating  on  the
        encounter with the terrorists, Com-
        mander of the 268th Infantry Brigade,   BSF IG Ashok Yadav visits the forward areas of Kupwara and reviews the operation preparation of the units deployed along the LOC,
        Keran Sector, Brigadier NR Kulkarni,
        said that they had intelligence inputs                                    in Kashmir on Monday (ANI)
        of terrorists trying to disturb normal-
        cy in the area.                   public  was  normal.  While  the  elim-  that due to the strategy of the govern-  not much in number (in the Valley),
            Meanwhile, elaborating on the   ination of new  recruits in terrorism   ment, security forces and population,   but that does not define the situation
        recent increase in terrorist attacks,   was allowed and tacitly encouraged,  this dubious duplicity has been put to   because they are unaccountable enti-
        Jammu and Kashmir Director Gener-  those who facilitated recruitment and   an end. “It is the unflinching stance   ties. Even one unaccountable entity
        al of Police, RR Swain said on Monday   arranged finances were never investi-  and strategy of the Government of   or a man sent to kill indiscriminately
        that  Pakistan  successfully  infiltrated   gated. SP rank officers were arrested   India and security forces backed by   without any connection to this land,
        all important aspects of civil society,   and put in jails alongside terrorists,  a population since last several years   with no purpose but to repeat the
        with the help of so-called mainstream   for crimes they had never committed.  that this duality and dubious duplicity   level  of  violence  or  increase  it,  is  a
        or regional politics in the Valley.  The drowning of two girls in 2014 was   has been put to an end or an attempt   challenge.”
            While addressing students at the   allowed  to  be  hijacked  by  narrative   has been made towards it which has   The DGP of J-K also held a
        Orientation Programme at the Indi-  terrorism,  which  held  the  Valley  at   put the national security adversary to   meeting with the Punjab Police over
        an Institute of Management, DGP   ransom, hartals, and rioting for many   the back foot,” he said.    infiltration via the Punjab border.
        Swain said, “Pakistan successfully   weeks. A very detailed investigation   “It is the call of the highest level   “Infiltration  is  taking  place  (via
        infiltrated  all  important  aspects  of   by the CBI and verified by the AIIMS   of policy-making that political and   Punjab border) and it is a common-
        civil society, thanks to so-called main-  forensics proved it was an accident,”  economic opportunity would no lon-  place knowledge. We tried to deliber-
        stream or regional politics in the Val-  he added.                  ger be prerogative of privileged few   ate with ourselves as to the new meth-
        ley. There is ample evidence to show   The J-K DGP also pointed out   but will be available to all,” the J-K   ods and the modus operandi they are
        that many had owned the art of run-  that things had come to such a pass   DGP added.                 adopting. We talked about how to
        ning with the hare and hunting with   that the so-called mainstream polit-  RR Swain, said on Monday that   address more effectively, their use of
        the hound, which left both the com-  ical parties  had  started  cultivating   even one terrorist sent to kill indis-  tunnels  to  infiltrate.  There  are  cer-
        mon man and the security bewildered,   leaders of terror networks and some-  criminately, with the purpose of in-  tain things of operational confidenti-
        frightened, and confused.”        times directly to further their elector-  creasing the level of violence, is a   ality, but we tried to put our minds to-
           “Visiting the homes of killed ter-  al prospects.                challenge for the security forces.  gether and we have a response which
        rorists and expressing sympathy in    Further, RR Swain emphasized      Swain said, “The terrorists are   will eventually work,” RR Swain said.

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