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BIG STORY                                                                JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    5

        37,325 votes.
            In Tamil Nadu also, INDIA al-                                                                         BJP’s meeting
        liance partner DMK secured a win
        from Vikravandi seat. Anniyar Siva                                                                          in UP result
        defeated Anbumani C. of Pattali
        Makkal Katchi party by a margin of                                                                      of nervousness:
        67757 votes.
            Uttarakhand, which is ruled by                                                                             Ajay Rai
        BJP, witnessed the party losing both
        the two seats and saw the victory of                                                                         ongress Uttar Pradesh pres-
        Congress. In Badrinath, Lakhapat                                                                             ident Ajay Rai on Mon-
        Singh Butola defeated Rajendra                                                                         Cday claimed that the BJP’s
        Singh Bhandari by a margin of 5224                                                                     working committee held a meeting
        votes, whereas in Manglaur, which                                                                      in Uttar Pradesh due to nervous-
        saw a very close competition, Qazi                                                                     ness over the debacle in Lok Sabha
        Mohammad Nizamuddin secured vic-                                                                       polls.
        tory against BJP’s Kartar Singh Bhad-                                                                      “The BJP leaders are rattled
        ana by a margin of 422 votes.                                                                          and worried... and this is the result
            In all the four seats of West Ben-                                                                 of nervousness....Uttar Pradesh
        gal, All India Trinamool Congress,   Newly elected MLAs along with their delegations call on Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister   BJP working committee meeting
        which is the partner in the INDIA                                                                      was held at Ram Manohar Lohia
        alliance, secured victory and defeated               Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu in Shimla (ANI)            Law University, even the educa-
        the BJP. In Raiganj, Krishna Kalyani                                                                   tional institutions are being politi-
        defeated BJP’s Manas Kumar Ghosh   for the party in the state. “People of   42 seats in West Bengal in the recently   cized...The public of the state have
        by a margin of 50,077 votes. Ranaghat   the country showed their opposition   concluded Lok Sabha polls.  rejected them,” Rai told ANI.
        Dakshin,  TMC’s    Mukut   Mani   and made the Congress party win. It   Madhuparna Thakur, daughter        BJP held its Working Commit-
        Adhikari secured a win against Manoj   is the justice of Lord Ram who made   of TMC Rajya Sabha MP Mamata   tee meeting in Lucknow on Sun-
        Kumar Biswas of BJP by a margin of   a Congress candidate win in the city   Bala Thakur who won by a margin of   day, in which BJP reviewed the Lok
        39,048 votes. In Bagda, Madhuparna   of Ayodhya and now the same hap-  33455 votes against BJP’s Binay Ku-  Sabha elections and the upcoming
        Thakur defeated Binay Kumar Biswas   pened in Uttarakhand today. We will   mar Biswas has become the youngest   elections.
        of BJP by a margin of 33,455 votes. In   keep winning. BJP’s days have gone.   MLA in the West Bengal Assembly.  BJP held a one-day state work-
        Maniktala, Supti Pandey secured a   Badrinath victory is big. It is similar   “It is not only my win but Mama-  ing committee meeting in which the
        win against BJP’s Kalyan Chaubey by   to Congress’ victory in Ayodhya,” he   ta Banerjee’s win too. It is a win for   Chief Minister and Deputy Chief
        a margin of 62,312 votes.         added.                            all the workers and voters. I have seen   Minister of the state including the
            The Congress leaders, includ-     The Trinamool Congress contin-  there are a lot of issues with bridges   National President of Bharatiya Ja-
        ing Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi   ued on its winning spree in the West   and roads in this constituency. So, I   nata Party JP Nadda participated.
        and Mallikarjun Kharge targeted the   Bengal Assembly bypolls, clinching all   will work on that. I will stay here for   In the Lok Sabha elections in
        BJP and said that the results of the   four seats, three of which were earlier   the people...,” TMC winning candi-  Uttar Pradesh, the Samajwadi Par-
        bye-elections reflect that the people of   held by its rival Bharatiya Janata Party   date from Bagda Assembly seat Mad-  ty won 37 seats, the BJP won 33,
        the nation want to demolish dictator-  (BJP). The TMC had won 29 out of   huparna Thakur said.         Congress won 6, Rashtriya Lok Dal
        ship and are standing with the INDIA                                                                   (RLD) won 2, and Aazad Samaj
        bloc to establish rule of justice. Taking                                                              Party (Kanshi Ram) and Apna Dal
        to his official X handle, Rahul Gandhi                                                                 (Soneylal) won 1 seat each.
        said, “The results of the bye-elections                                                                    The  loss  suffered  by  BJP  in
        in seven states have made it clear that                                                                the Lok Sabha elections and the
        the web of fear and confusion woven                                                                    upcoming elections were reviewed
        by the BJP has been broken.”                                                                           in the meeting and the problems
            He added, “Every class, including                                                                  of BJP workers were discussed.
        farmers, youth, labourers, business-                                                                   In the state working committee
        men and employed people want to                                                                        meeting, the organizational action
        completely destroy dictatorship and                                                                    plan was put before the senior offi-
        establish the rule of justice.”                                                                        cials of the party, public represen-
            Congress president Mallikarjun                                                                     tatives and leaders and they were
        Kharge asserted that the bypoll re-                                                                    considered.
        sults were also “strong evidence of the                                                                    “In assembly by-polls held
        falling  political  credibility”  of  Prime                                                            across seven states, the INDIA
        Minister Narendra Modi and Union                                                                       bloc won 10 seats while the BJP
        Home Minister Amit Shah. The lead-                                                                     was wiped out. The biggest mes-
        er also asserted that the people are                                                                   sage conveyed by the INDIA bloc
        now in support of the INDIA bloc                                                                       and  the  people  of  the  country  is
        and said, “The public is now com-                                                                      that we have won Ayodhya (in the
        pletely standing with INDIA for the                                                                    recent Lok Sabha elections), and
        betterment of their lives and protec-                                                                  now we have won Badrinath. With
        tion of the Constitution.”                                                                             God’s blessings on the INDIA alli-
            Congress candidates, who won                                                                       ance and Congress, we will uproot
        the two assembly bypolls in Uttara-  West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee shows the victory sign after   the BJP from every corner and win
        khand, thanked people for their sup-        four party MLAs won in by-elections in Kolkata on Saturday (ANI)  all future elections,” he said.
        port and said the results are significant

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