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BIG STORY                                                                JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                         BYPOLLS RESULTS

                          INDIA BLOC

                ON THE MOVE

               The Assembly by-poll results were a setback for the BJP, which won only two

               of the 13 seats while the INDIA bloc secured 10 seats. Is it a sign of an early
              dissatisfaction with the ruling NDA and the rising popularity of Rahul Gandhi?

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            BJP, he said, “Even amidst their at-
                                                                                                              tempts to undermine our democracy,
        New Delhi/Dehradun/Kolkata
                                                                                                              the truth and the will of the people
              he results of last week’s Assem-                                                                have prevailed. Today’s results are a
              bly bypolls came as a setback                                                                   tight slap on the BJP’s face, showcas-
        Tfor BJP which won only two of                                                                        ing the public’s strong disapproval of
        13 seats with INDIA bloc winning 10                                                                   their pro-rich, dictatorial politics.”
        seats and an independent candidate                                                                        Elaborating on the number of
        winning a seat in Bihar defeating the                                                                 seats won by the Congress in Himach-
        ruling NDA.                                                                                           al Pradesh, Venugopal said, “In Hi-
            Polling took place on July 10 for                                                                 machal Pradesh, the Congress party
        the assembly seats in seven States: Bi-                                                               has won two out of the three seats in
        har, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Mad-                                                                    Dehra and Nalagarh, reclaiming our
        hya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab,                                                                     position with a total of 40 seats. This
        and Himachal Pradesh.                                                                                 triumph is a testament to the unwav-
            The results brought a lot of com-                                                                 ering faith of the people of Himachal
        fort to Congress, which won two of                                                                    who have rejected the BJP’s politics
        three seats in Himachal Pradesh                                                                       of horse trading and defections.”
        and two seats in Uttarakhand. Con-                                                                        The by-elections were held in one
        gress winning two seats in Himach-                                                                    seat of Bihar, Tamil  Nadu, Punjab,
        al Pradesh has increased the com-                                                                     and Madhya Pradesh, two seats of
        fort factor for the Sukhvinder Singh                                                                  Uttarakhand, three seats of Himach-
        Sukhu government which now has 40                                                                     al Pradesh, and four seats of Uttara-
        MLAs against 28 of BJP.                                                                               khand.
            The Congress had failed to win                                                                        In Himachal Pradesh, Congress
        any seat in the two states in the Lok                                                                 secured  a  win  on  two  out of three
        Sabha polls. Some of those who lost                                                                   seats, where Kamlesh Thakur from
        the assembly polls were leaders who                                                                   Dehra and Hardeep Singh Bawa
        had joined BJP after quitting their                                                                   from Nalagarh secured victory. Ash-
        parties.                                                                                              ish Sharma from BJP secured victory
            Congress leader KC Venugopal                                                                      in Hamirpur. Thakur defeated BJP’s
        targeted the BJP and said that the re-                                                                Hoshiyar Singh by a margin of 9,399
        sults of the bye-elections in the coun-                                                               votes. Meanwhile, Bawa defeated
        try  reflects  a  resounding  victory  for                                                            BJP’s KL Thakur by a margin of 8,990
        democracy and a strong rebuke to the                                                                  votes. On the other hand, Sharma de-
        BJP’s divisive politics.            Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi addresses the party   feated Dr Pushpinder Verma of Con-
            In a statement issued by the par-                                                                 gress by a margin of 1,571 votes.
        ty’s General Secretary (Organisation),      workers at State Congress office in Ahmedabad on Saturday (ANI)  In Punjab, the INDIA alliance’s
        Venugopal said, “Today’s by-poll re-                                                                  partner Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)
        sults stand as a resounding victory   Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal,   rejection of the BJP’s anti-people,   secured victory in Jalandhar West.
        for democracy and a strong rebuke to   Bihar, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu, the   anti-youth policies, and divisive poli-  AAP’s Mohinder Bhagat defeated
        the BJP’s divisive politics. Out of the   INDIA alliance has secured an im-  tics.”                   BJP’s Sheetal Angural by a margin of
        13 seats contested across Himachal   pressive 10 seats demonstrating the   Stepping up his attacks on the    Continued on next page... >>

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