Page 10 - The Indian EYE 071924
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OPINION                                                                  JULY 19, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

                                          Ramaphosa 2.0:

           The Coalition Government and

                                  Future Implications

           On the issue of Russia- Ukraine Conflict, there are ideological divergences that exists between ANC

          and DA. While ANC remains neutral over the Russia Ukraine crisis, the DA, on the other hand. has
           condemned Russia and has claimed that it is in South Africa’s interests to stand with the free world


               n June 21, 2024, Cyril Rama-
               phosa was sworn in for a sec-
        Oond term as the President of
        the first ever coalition government of
        South Africa. South Africa which con-
        ducted its seventh general elections in
        May 2024, witnessed a momentous ver-
        dict, given that the ruling African Na-
        tional Congress lost its majority for the
        first time since it came to power in 1994.
            According to the Electoral Com-
        mission of South Africa, the African
        National Congress received 40.18%
        of votes, which is well short of major-
        ity. ANC called for the formation of
        a  National  Unity  Government and
        was compelled to share power with
        one of the key opposition party the
        Democratic Alliance, (DA) which
        had secured 21.81% of votes. The left
        leaning Economic Freedom Fighters
        and Mkhunto weSizwe (MK) led by
        former South African President Ja-
        cob Zuma, received 9.52% votes and    This is for the first time that there is a Coalition Government in South Africa. The inclusive model of the National Unity Government comes
        14.8% votes respectively. Both the
        parties refused to join the government                               with its own set of challenges (File photo)
        while DA would be a part of it. The
        MK even demanded for Ramaphosa’s   one by PAC. The formation of a coa-  in  South  Africa,  which  has  won  five   Besides, what cannot be ignored is
        removal from presidency, which the   lition government is unprecedented in   successive elections. It has even con-  that, South Africa has seen a change in
        ANC did not approve of.           South African politics. In this context,   trolled the regional and local politics   its political culture with the rising num-
            ANC then opened negotiations   this paper examines that what has led   of South Africa.           ber of political parties in South Africa.
        with the smaller parties and the right   to fractured mandate in South Africa,   African National Congress’s elec-  More than 70 political parties contest-
        leaning  Inthekha  Right  Wing  party   and what are the future implications   toral domination reached its peak in   ed the 2024 general elections. There
        (IFP) with 3.85% of votes, was first to   of the coalition government.   the 2004 national elections wherein its   was also a greater voter abstention in
        join the National Unity Government                                  total voting share was about 69.7%.   the 2024 elections as around 41.6%
        followed by Patriotic Alliance (PA) and   A Fractured Mandate       However, since 2014  the party wit-  of the registered voters did not vote
        Pan Africanist Congress (PAC). Thus,                                nessed a decline in its voter base at   as compared to 34% voters who did
        the Government of National Unity     n the 2024 general elections, South   the national and provincial elections,   not participate in the 2019 elections.
        now comprises 10 political parties.  Africa received a fractured man-  reaching an all-time low to 40.9%. in   ANC lost crucial votee in its
            On 1st July 2024, the South Af- Idate when the ruling African Na-  the 2024 elections. In the last general   strongholds such as the Kwa Zulu
        rican President Cyril Ramaphosa   tional Congress lost its majority and   elections held in 2019, ANC received   Natal and the Guateng province.
        formed a new cabinet, and ANC,    no opposition party was able to prove   a voting share of 57%. According to   Gauteng is the financial hub of South
        has retained the largest share of cab-  its majority. However, despite ANC’s   experts, ANC witnessed a decline in   Africa and is home to Johannesburg
        inet portfolios (20 out of 32 Cabinet   declining support base, it emerged as   its support base   due to rising unem-  Stock Exchange and other MNC’s. In
        Positions) with itself while six cabi-  largest party in the 2024 elections. The   ployment, poverty, misgovernance,   the Kwazulu Natal province, MK led
        net positions are held by Democratic   African National Congress since 1994   rising violent crimes, corruption, pow-  by Jacob Zuma won by 44% of votes
        Alliance, two by IFP, one by PA and   has been the dominant political party   er cuts and water crises.      Continued on next page... >>

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