Page 16 - The Indian EYE 071621
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 JULY 16, 2021
What to expect from los
angeles mayor eric Garcetti
as new ambassador to india?
USIBC and Indiaspora welcome the nomination of California leader to the critical post in a crucial period
Our Bureau
Washington, DC
resident Joe Biden last
week announced his intent
Pto nominate Los Angeles
Mayor Eric Garcetti to become
the new US Ambassador to India.
The White House release con-
firmed that President Biden an-
nounced his intent to nominate
four individuals to serve as US
ambassadors: Denise Campbell
Bauer, Nominee for Ambassa-
dor Extraordinary and Plenipo-
tentiary to the French Republic
and to the Principality of Mona-
co, Peter D Haas, Nominee for
Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh, Berna-
dette M Meehan, Nominee for
Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary to the Republic
of Chile, and Eric M Garcet-
ti, Nominee for Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipoten- (LA) Mayor Eric Garcetti to the several fronts,” said the founder Joshipura, speaking to Garcet-
tiary to the Republic of India. post of new US Ambassador to of Indiaspora MR Rangaswa- ti’s accomplishments as Mayor
Garcetti’s selection, which India. mi, a Silicon Valley-based en- of Los Angeles, which include
has long been anticipated, an As the Mayor of Los An- trepreneur and investor, about bringing the 2028 Summer
ambassadorship in India would geles, the United States’ sec- Garcetti’s nomination. Olympic and Paralympic Games
allow Garcetti to work on such ond-largest city, Garcetti would “It speaks volumes to the im- to the United States for the first
issues as pandemic relief, cli- bring valuable political and ad- portance of the US-India rela- time in more than 30 years, as
mate change, trade, and immi- ministrative experience to the tionship that a close and trusted well as leading an effort of more
gration, offering him new for- role. A close political confidante ally of President Biden may be than 400 fellow mayors across
eign policy experience. of President Biden who served America’s point person in Delhi.” America to adopt the Paris Cli-
Indiaspora, a non-profit or- as a Co-chair of his campaign “Mayor Garcetti recognizes mate Agreement.
ganization of global Indian di- in 2020, Garcetti also would the importance of international US Congressman Brad Sher-
aspora leaders, expressed their have the President’s ear. “We cooperation and how to bring man and US-India Business
enthusiasm for the Biden ad- are excited that President Biden different actors together on the Council (USIBC) President Ni-
ministration’s announcement of has nominated a reputed lead- world stage,” said Executive sha Biswal on Saturday extend-
the nomination of Los Angeles er who has proven himself on Director of Indiaspora Sanjeev Continued on next page... >>
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