Page 13 - The Indian EYE 071621
P. 13

OPINION                                                                       JULY 16, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          13

            Fourth, legal issues that of- vider concerned.                       follow-on orders for indigenised        A more modest and focussed
        ten come in the way of indigeni-        Lastly,    indigenisation    is products because of the endur- mission-mode approach to in-
        sation of products need to be        driven by commercial consider- ing  financial  constraints  it  has  digenisation can produce better
        tackled. This is more relevant in  ations. No seller will opt for indi- been facing for long.                 results.
        the case of substitution of parts  genisation if it involves the risk of   Amit Cowshish is a former Financial Advisor (Acquisition), Ministry
        and assemblies fitted in the im- conceding a competitive edge to          of Defence and former Consultant, Manohar Parrikar Institute for
        ported equipment through in- another seller because of the ad-           Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        digenisation efforts which pose  ditional cost of indigenisation, or
        a problem because of the legal  if the delivery schedule is inflexi-     Views expressed are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
        constraints imposed by the war- ble allowing no room for indulg-         views of the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the Government of India

        ranty/guarantee clauses in the  ing in time-taking indigenisation  This is the abridged version of the article which appeared first in the
        contracts awarded by the MoD/ efforts, or there is uncertainty  Comment section of the website ( of Manohar Parrikar
        Services to the technology pro- about the MoD’s ability to place  Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi on July 10, 2021

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