Page 11 - The Indian EYE 071621
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NATION                                                                        JULY 16, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          11

        ment and other equipment,”  tical and other support is going  and what actual support Turkey  confront other regional players,
        Lavrov said during a press con- to get from the US for the whole  may be given on the ground.  like Pakistan, Russia, Iran, and
        ference.                             operation, what the Biden ad- Moreover, Turkey must take  China.
            In a related development,  ministration is prepared to do  seriously into account the risks                   Meanwhile, amid the uncer-
        the proposal made by Turkey’s  on the contentious issues be- involved in the whole operation  tainty surrounding the peace
        President Recep  Tayyip  Erdo- tween Ankara and Washington  and the possibility of having to  prospect in Afghanistan ahead
        gan to US President Joe Biden                                                                                 of fast approaching deadline of
        last month on the sidelines of                                                                                US troop’s withdrawal, Taliban
        a NATO summit that Turkey                                                                                     spokesperson Suhail Shaheen
        could undertake the security of                                                                               has said Pakistan is welcome to
        the Hamid Karzai International                                                                                help the group arrive at a nego-
        Airport in Kabul after NATO’s                                                                                 tiated settlement but it “cannot
        withdrawal from Afghanistan                                                                                   dictate to us or impose its views
        could be a bargaining chip for                                                                                on us.”
        improving Ankara’s relation-                                                                                      During an interview with Pa-
        ship with Washington but given                                                                                kistan’s Geo News on Sunday,
        the resurgence of the Taliban it                                                                              Shaheen said, “They  can help
        could turn into a nightmare in                                                                                us in the peace process but can’t
        the long run, unless it is handled                                                                            dictate to us or impose their
        very  skillfully  and  with  the  ut-                                                                         views. And this is against inter-
        most caution.                                                                                                 national principles.”
            Ankara’s proposal to secure                                                                                   Over the Taliban’s demand
        Kabul’s airport, after the with-                                                                              for an Islamic Emirate of Af-
        drawal of US and NATO troops                                                                                  ghanistan, the spokesperson
        from Afghanistan by August 31,                  Afghan Special Forces are finding it tough to tackle          said having an emirate is “a le-
        raises questions about the risks                             the Taliban forces  (ANI)                        gitimate right of the people of
        it is prepared to take, what logis-                                                                           Afghanistan”.

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