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OPINION                                                                       JULY 16, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          12

           indigenisation – in Need

                       of policy Framework

        amiT COWShiSh

            ndia has  been striving  for
            indigenisation of defence
        Iproduction for close to three
        decades. To give impetus to the
        efforts, the Ministry of Defence
        (MoD) had constituted a com-
        mittee in the early 1990s under
        Prof APJ Abdul Kalam. The
        committee suggested a 10-year
        roadmap to  increase the indig-
        enous  component  in  the  total
        expenditure on capital procure-
        ment from 30 per cent in 1992-
        93 to 70 per cent by 2005. This
        goal could not be achieved and
        there continues to be some con-
        fusion about the present state of
            Several steps have been tak-
        en in the last 20 years, but the
        outcome of these efforts re-
        mains a matter of debate as the  An Indian Air Force C-130J Super Hercules aircraft operating at a forward airbase near PoK and China border. (ANI)
        available data on indigenisa-
        tion is confusing. According to  these contradictory sets of facts  uct, is not indigenised. In hostile  overarching organisation to co-
        a recent report of the Standing  is that while the Indian indus- circumstances, the OEM or the  ordinate indigenisation efforts
        Committee on Defence (SCoD),  try has done reasonably well in  country of its origin could deny  currently being made almost in-
        only 93 of the 213 contracts  manufacturing             foreign-origin the export of such items and  dependently by several institu-
        worth about Rs 1,76,569 crore        equipment with the help of tech- paralyse production in India.           tions mentioned above. This or-
        were awarded to foreign ven- nology transfer from the foreign                Seen in this perspective, the  ganisation will have to work out
        dors of the USA, Russia, Israel,  Original Equipment Manufac- level of indigenisation of de- a system for ensuring deeper in-
        France, and some other coun- turers and in indigenising com- fence production in India is  volvement of the private sector
        tries between the financial years  ponents, it still lacks the capa- quite low. Broadly, there are  in the indigenisation effort, apart
        (FYs) 2016-17 and  2019-20. bility to indigenously design and  four reasons for this.                         from engagement with other sci-
            In  the  last  five  years  alone,  develop major platforms, with        The primary reason is the ab- entific  institutions,  innovators,
        several contracts have been  a few exceptions like the Light  sence of a pragmatic overarch- foreign entities, and academia.
        awarded to the foreign vendors  Combat Aircraft Tejas, which is  ing indigenisation policy. What                 Thirdly,  procedural issues
        for an assortment of platforms  what indigenisation should be  comes closest to it is a notifica- need to  be resolved  to  ensure
        like   Dassault’s     twin-engine all about.                             tion issued by the Department  that the testing, quality assur-
        Medium  Multi-Role  Combat              Even in respect of compo- of Defence Production (DDP)  ance and certification agencies
        Aircraft (MMRCA), Boeing’s  nents and assemblies, no data/ in 2019. It cannot be the guiding  work more as a part of the team
        multi-role combat AH-64E  information is available to show  document for a concerted effort  engaged  in indigenisation  rath-
        Apache and vertical-lift Chi- whether these are critical parts  as it only contains the policy for  er than as external technology
        nook helicopters, Lockheed  of the equipment/platforms in  indigenisation of components  audit entities. This may also re-
        Martin’s C-130J Super Hercules  which these are used. This is  and spare parts used by the  quire the quality assurance per-
        four-engine turboprop military  important because the extent  Defence Public Sector Under- sonnel to acquire and upgrade
        transport aircraft, and Russian  of indigenisation of a product  takings  (DPSUs)  and  the  Ord- their domain expertise, as well
        Almaz-Antey’s S-400 Triumf Air  matters little if a critical part,  nance Factory Board (OFB) in  as test procedures, equipment
        Defence System.                      even if it constitutes a miniscule  the manufacturing process.           and methodologies.
            The  best explanation  for  percentage of the overall prod-              Secondly, there must be an          Continued on next page... >>

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