Page 33 - The Indian EYE 071423
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FUTURE this WEEK                                                          JULY 14, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 33

          NUMEROLOGY PREDICTION                                                                                JULY 7 TO JULY 13, 2023

                                                                                       NUMBER 5 (MERCURY)
                                BY BUSINESS ASTROLOGER &
                                ASTRO STRATEGIST                                       (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                                                                       This week, focus on tuning out the opinions of others and following
                                HIRAV SHAH                                             your own heart and intuition. It’s a good time to discover your true
                                                                                       calling. Prioritize finishing your work early, make time for hobbies,

                                Hirav  Shah  is  a  PIONEER  in  introducing  ASTRO    and maintain a calm and relaxed mindset.
                                                                                       Be cautious because you might get a fever, cold and cough. You might
                                STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in   also get a bad migraine problem, so be careful.
                                business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the   • Avoid wearing Gray
                                fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism,   • Lucky Days : Monday
                                Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business   • Lucky Color : Yellow
                                Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the
                                table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has
                                an astounding Global presence with his clients based across
                                various business sectors.                              NUMBER 6 (VENUS)
                                [email protected]  |          (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)

                                                                                       Prepare for some discomfort this week. As you may feel frustrated by
                 NUMBER 1 (SUN)                                                        timelines not working in your favor. Instead of labeling situations as
                                                                                       good or bad, try to view them neutrally.
                 (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)             Don’t oversleep: While getting enough sleep is important for over-
                 The cosmos emphasizes the significance of attitude in shaping your ca-  all well-being, oversleeping can have negative effects. It can lead to
                 reer path, urging you to assess your perspective on work. Take a mo-  lethargy, lack of productivity, and disrupt your daily routine. Don’t
                 ment to contemplate your current approach. Do you genuinely feel en-  overeat as well…
                 thusiasm towards your tasks and projects?                             • Avoid wearing Brown
                 There is a possibility of encountering minor health issues pertaining to   • Lucky Days : Friday
                 the eyes, teeth, or stomach, which could lead to discomfort. To maintain   • Lucky Color : Orange
                 good health, it is advisable to consume a nourishing diet abundant in
                 protein and vitamins.                                                 NUMBER 7 (NEPTUNE)
                 • Avoid wearing Brown
                 • Lucky Days : Monday                                                 (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                 • Lucky Color : Green                                                 Expect a few disappointments on your path to success. As challenges
                                                                                       are part of the journey. Take these challenges in stride and remain
                 NUMBER 2 (MOON)                                                       While overall health is expected to remain robust, it is possible that a
                                                                                       few individuals may experience minor ailments that could cause dis-
                 (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)             ruptions throughout the week. Throat infections or cough issues are
                 This week gives you an opportunity to recognize the power of your will.   likely to be prevalent this week.
                                                                                       • Avoid wearing Black
                 Redirect your attention toward what you want to grow and let go of    • Lucky Days: Thursday
                 useless thoughts. Good time for budding entrepreneurs. Also a great   • Lucky Color : Blue
                 time for corporate chaps.
                 Incorporate yoga into your routine, manage your time wisely, eat hy-
                 gienic food, and maintain positive thoughts about others.             NUMBER 8 (SATURN)
                 • Avoid wearing Black
                 • Lucky Days : Saturday                                               (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                 • Lucky Color : Blue                                                  When faced with challenges, do you maintain an open mind and a can-
                                                                                       do spirit? It’s important to honestly evaluate your attitude in order to
                                                                                       recognize any areas that could benefit from improvement. Cultivating
                 NUMBER 3 (JUPITER)                                                    a positive mindset is the initial step towards this process.
                                                                                       Be careful not to sprain your ankles. So avoid walking hurriedly and
                 (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)             be cautious. Rest looks just fine.
                 Embracing everything that comes your way allows you to fully experi-  • Avoid wearing Charcoal
                 ence life’s opportunities and challenges. By rejecting nothing, you open   • Lucky Days : Tuesday
                 yourselves to growth and understanding. Often, the only obstacles you   • Lucky Color : White
                 face are born from your own fears and doubts. Overcoming these ap-
                 prehensions leads to personal transformation and limitless possibilities.  NUMBER 9 (MARS)
                 Put on your running shoes or engage in any form of physical activity.
                 Avoid excessive stress and wear colors other than purple.             (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                 • Avoid wearing Purple                                                The week greets you with a surge of excitement and a fresh outlook.
                 • Lucky Days : Friday                                                 The obstacles you’ve recently encountered have fortified your resolve,
                 • Lucky Color : Light Green                                           empowering you further. You stand prepared to venture beyond fa-
                                                                                       miliar realms and embrace the unknown.
                                                                                       Pregnant women are advised to refrain from engaging in adventurous
                 NUMBER 4 (URANUS)                                                     activities and to take necessary medications while traveling. For crit-
                                                                                       ically ill patients, this week will show some ray of hope and positivity.
                 (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)             • Avoid wearing Brown
                 Struggling entrepreneurs can find hope, while seasoned businessmen    • Lucky Days : Sunday
                 may  see  good  profits.  If  you  work  in  the  corporate  sector,  expect  a   • Lucky Color : White
                 slightly shaky week but remember to be patient.                       CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS OF THE WEEK
                 Make sure you get enough deep sleep, as it is a natural medicine, and
                 stay physically active.                                       July 7– MS Dhoni
                 • Avoid wearing Red                                                                           July 10– Sunil Gavaskar
                 • Lucky Days : Wednesday                                      July 8– Sourav Ganguly          July 11– Amitav Ghosh
                 • Lucky Color : Off-White                                     July 9– Sangeeta Bijlani        July 12– Vinay Pathak

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