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IMMIGRATION                                                               JULY 14, 2023  |   The Indian Eye 34

                 Canada Announces New Program for

            Holders of U.S. H-1B Visas – But Do They

         Mean Visas, or H-1B Nonimmigrant Status?

        DAVID ISAACSON             dian work permit, and study  attractive to many as well,   H-1B visa as such.     pired, may nevertheless be
                                   or work permit options for  particularly those whose H-4   Under section 248 of the  in valid H-1B nonimmigrant
            n a news release on June  their accompanying family  spouses would not be eligi-  Immigration and Nationality  status. But if such a person
            27 issued following re-  members”.                ble for an Employment Au-   Act (INA), also known as 8  does  not travel  outside the
        Imarks at the Collision        This program and oth-  thorization Document in the   U.S.C. § 1258, and the regu-  United States during the pe-
        2023 conference,  Canada’s  er parts of the Tech Talent  United States. Some import-  lations at 8 C.F.R. Part 248,  riod of the extension, they
        Minister of Immigration,  Strategy  have  already  at-  ant details, however, remain   someone who has been ad-  need not get a new H-1B
        Refugees and Citizenship,  tracted significant media at-  unclarified.            mitted to the United States  visa.
        Sean Fraser, announced sev-  tention. An open work per-   One such detail is the   as a nonimmigrant may ap-    Nor are these the only
        eral new measures as part  mit, allowing employment  question of exactly who      ply to change status to a dif-  ways that it is possible to
        of “Canada’s first-ever Tech  by any employer in Canada  will be eligible for the new   ferent type of nonimmigrant  be  in valid  H-1B status  but
        Talent  Strategy.”  One  that  rather than the specific spon-  program. According to the   while still within the United  not have a valid H-1B visa.
        will likely be of interest to  sor required in the United  announcement, “The new   States.                  According to 22 C.F.R. §
        many foreign workers in the  States for an H-1B, may be  H1-B specialty occupation   This process does not  41.112(a), “The period of
        United States is “the cre-  an attractive prospect for  visa holder work permit will   require obtaining a new non-  visa validity has no relation
        ation of  an  open work per-  many H-1B visa holders.  be available as of July 16,   immigrant visa. A new visa is  to the period of time the
        mit stream for H-1B special-  The availability of work per-  2023. Approved applicants   only required if the person  immigration authorities at a
        ty occupation visa holders in  mits for accompanying fam-  will receive an open work   wishes to leave the United  port of entry may authorize
        the US to apply for a Cana-  ily  members  is likely  to  be  permit  of  up  to  three  years   States and re-enter in their  the alien to stay in the Unit-
                                                                 in duration, which means   new nonimmigrant status.  ed  States.”  Rather,  as  that
                                                                  they will be able to work   (Even then, someone mak-  same regulation explains,
                                                                  for almost any employ-  ing a brief trip to Canada or  “The period of validity of a
                                                                  er anywhere in Cana-    Mexico of less than 30 days,  nonimmigrant visa is the pe-
                                                                  da. Their spouses and   who has changed status, can  riod during which the alien
                                                                  dependants will also be   sometimes utilize their old  may use it in making appli-
                                                                  eligible to apply for a   visa under a process known  cation  for  admission.”  And
                                                                  temporary resident visa,   as automatic visa revalida-  that  period  is  often  defined
                                                                  with a work or study    tion, pursuant to 22 C.F.R. §  by “reciprocity”, that is, the
                                                                  permit, as needed.” The   41.112(d)(1)-(2).)       time period for which a sim-
                                                                  backgrounder issued by     Thus, someone who en-   ilar visa would be issued to a
                                                                  Immigration, Refugees   tered the United States with,  U.S.  citizen  by a  particular
                                                                  and Citizenship Canada   for example, an F-1 student  foreign country. The State
                                                                  (IRCC) also refers to   visa, and has never left the  Department’s  reciprocity
                                                                  “H-1B specialty occupa-  United States since then,   schedule for the People’s
                                                                  tion visa holders in the   may have changed their sta-  Republic of China, for exam-
                                                                  US,”  at  more  than  one   tus to H-1B, and may have  ple, indicates that an H-1B
                                                                  point. Read literally,   been issued a Form I-94  visa will only be issued for 12
                                                                  this would suggest that   acknowledging their H-1B  months.
                                                                  one will need to possess   status as part of the approv-  Thus, if a Chinese cit-
                                                                  an H-1B visa stamp in   al notice of their application  izen is issued an H-1B visa
                                                                  order to obtain the new   for change of status, but may  valid for one year because
                     m of                                         Canadian open work      not have an H-1B visa.     of this reciprocity schedule,
                                                                                             Even if someone did  but has an approved H-1B
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          permit.                 come  to  the  United  States  petition valid for three years,
                                                                      Not all H-1B non-
                                                                                             immigrants in the Unit-  with a valid H-1B visa at  he or she may  be  admitted
             ed States, however, will   some  point  in  time,  regula-  in H-1B status until the end
                                                                  hold a valid H-1B visa   tions  at  8  C.F.R.  §  214.1(c)  of the three years of petition
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             ­       stamp, or any H-1B visa   allow for an extension of stay  validity, despite having a visa
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                                                                  stamp at all (even an   as a nonimmigrant beyond  that will expire sooner than
                                                                  expired one). Rather,   the period of initial admis-  that.  Even during the latter
                                                                  there are multiple cir-  sion. In this way, as well,  part of this initial admission,
                                                                  cumstances under which   someone whose H-1B visa,  such a person will have H-1B
          2              6th Floor                                one can be in H-1B sta-  and initial period of H-1B  status but no H-1B visa.
                                                                  tus, but not possess an   admission, have already  ex-  It is not clear why IRCC
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