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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 20

         GOPIO Manhattan and Happy Life Celebrate International

               Day of Yoga 2024 Hosted by Filmmaker Tirlok Malik

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

               lobal Organization for People of In-
               dian Origin - Manhattan Chapter
        Gand  Emmy-nominated  filmmaker
        and Happy Life Yoga speaker Tirlok Malik,
        along with The Indian Panorama and Indian
        American Forum, organized an interactive
        and informative session on June 22 featuring
        eminent experts and speakers to celebrate
        International Day of Yoga 2024.
            The  ever-ebullient  Malik emphasized
        loving yourself and “if you love yourself, it is
        your responsibility to take care of your happi-
        ness and health”.
            He conducted practical exercises as well
        as chair yoga, peppered with calls for laughter
        among a large number of participants logged
        in for the session from the New York area,
        other parts of the USA, India, and around the
            Consul General of India in New York,
        Amb. Binaya Srikanta Pradhan, in his address
        as Chief Guest, underlined that yoga is a ho-
        listic body-mind-spirit system. He congratu-
        lated GOPIO and Tirlok Malik for holding
        the event open to all.
            In his 4th year leading this event, session
        host Malik asked the speakers to address the
        question: There are challenges and hardships
        in life, but how do you let them go and laugh
        at  life?  Give  me  your  personal  mantra,  he
        asked them.
            Indu Jaiswal, Chairperson of the Indian
        American Forum and a medical professional,
        shared her mantra: “Always have a positive
        outlook and believe in yourself.”Prof. Indrajit
        Singh Saluja, Editor-Publisher of The Indian
        Panorama, said that happiness is within you.
        He added that the five don’ts – ahimsa, Satya,
        etc.—of Patanjali yoga is a formula for not
        causing unhappiness to others.
            Tara Shajan, a medical professional, sug-  Host Tirlok Malik, a Happy Life Yoga SpeakerIndia’s Consul General in New York Shri Binay Srikanta PradhanOrganizers
        gested we should revisit our happy memories,                              and speakers at the Yoga Day Session
        particularly from childhood, and try to lower
        our happiness threshold. Neeta Bhasin, the  Renee Online show conducted  national organization or a nearby  dance with its mission to serve the
        founder of Times Square Diwali, shared that  a short meditation. Others who  chapter.  GOPOIO-Manhattan  larger  society  and those in need,
        she has learned to prioritize her own happi-  spoke included GOPIO Inter-  President Shivender          has taken several initiatives since
        ness.                                    national President Lal Motwani,    Sofat, said the message shared  its founding in 2020.
            Neha  Lohia,  a  filmmaker  and  spiritual  AIA National President Gobind  at the session should be shared   A Community Feeding is or-
        enthusiast, said that we should take whatever  Munjal, ‘Vegan Ambassador’ Anil  with others. GOPIO-Manhattan  ganized by the Chapter providing
        happens to us as ‘prasad’ from God. Parveen  Narang and Deborah Fishman.  Board member Sid Jain provided  a vegetarian lunch for the home-
        Chopra, founder of wellness and spirituality   GOPIO International Chair-  the technical service at the session  less and needy at Tomkins Square
        webmag, mentioned  man Dr. Thomas Abraham, who  Chapter Secretary Bhavya Gupta  Park in Manhattan on the last
        the sutra, “Heyam dukham anagatam” (Avert  also  serves  as  an  advisor  to  GO-  gave the vote of thanks.  Monday of every month.
        the danger that has not yet come). Do regular  PIO-Manhattan,  in his  welcome   Tirlok Malik has conducted   The chapter appeals to the
        exercise, yoga and meditation, he said, to avoid  address spoke about the objectives  over 100 Happy Life Yoga work-  community to  support  the initia-
        poor physical and mental health later in life.  of GOPIO and urged who are not  shops over four years.  tive by being a volunteer and/or a
            Dr. Renee Mehra, Host of Zoom in with  members yet to join GOPIO Inter-  GOPIO-Manhattan, in accor-  sponsor.

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