Page 17 - The Indian EYE 070524
P. 17

JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 17

                                                                 STAY FUN,


                                                                                   AND SEXY

            Have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Care is available for people of all
            gender identities, sexual orientations, and immigration statuses:

                STI prevention, testing, and care     HIV prevention (PEP and PrEP), testing, and care

                Mpox and other vaccinations         Reproductive health       LGBTQIA+ health                VISIT
                Information and resources                                                                    NYC.GOV/SEXUALHEALTH

            Low to no cost care is available at many facilities,
            including all City-run sites.

        Housing  Preservation  and  Develop-                                                                  housing in New York City and their
        ment Commissioner Adolfo Carrion                                                                      continued prioritization of NYCHA
        Jr. “The mayor’s commitment marks                                                                     residents, as evidenced by this in-
        yet another important step towards                                                                    credible allocation.”
        giving us the resources for more af-                                                                     “On behalf of the audience mem-
        fordable housing units and the city’s                                                                 bers we reach, the artists we present,
        collective efforts to create enough                                                                   and the students of all ages who take
        new homes so that every New Yorker                                                                    part in our education programs, I
        will have access to a safe, accessible                                                                want to thank Mayor Adams and the
        place. We are grateful to Mayor Ad-                                                                   City Council for recognizing the im-
        ams for his leadership and appreciate                                                                 portance of New York City’s cultur-
        all our partners, in and out of govern-                                                               al sector to the economic and social
        ment, who work with us to make New                                                                    health  of  the  city,”  said  Taryn Sac-
        York a more equitable city.”                                                                          ramone, executive director, Queens
           “Today marks a tremendous win                                                                      Theatre. “Thank you to Deputy
        for affordable housing in our city,”                                                                  Mayor Maria Torres-Springer and
        said New York City Housing Author-                                                                    DCLA Commissioner Laurie Cum-
        ity  (NYCHA)  Chief  Executive  Offi-                                                                 bo. Thank you as well to the City
        cer Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “As the largest                                                                  Council’s unwavering  champions of
        public housing authority in North                                                                     culture: Speaker Adrienne Adams,
        America,   NYCHA     understands  every tool at our disposal, such as   to improve the quality of their lives   New York City Councilmember Car-
        firsthand  the  significant  challenges   PACT and the NYCHA Trust, to not   considerably. We thank Mayor Ad-  lina Rivera, New  York City Coun-
        posed by the current housing crisis.  only provide NYCHA residents with   ams and his administration for their   cilmember Justin Brannan, and their
        Our mission continues to be to use   decent and affordable homes, but   ongoing commitment to affordable   colleagues.”

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