Page 14 - The Indian EYE 070524
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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                          JULY 05, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 14

                                   A Budget That Prioritizes

            Working-Class New Yorkers and Seeks to

                         Make Our City More Affordable

                                                                                                              rangers, Green Thumb programs,
                                                                                                              and tree stump removals.
                                                                                                                  We are committed to improving
                                                                                                              the physical, emotional, and mental
                                                                                                              health of all New Yorkers. That is
                                                                                                              why our administration previously
                                                                                                              launched “HealthyNYC,” an am-
                                                                                                              bitious plan to extend the lifespan
                                                                                                              of all New Yorkers. We have also
                                                                                                              released a sweeping mental health
                                                                                                              agenda with $20 million in commit-
                                                                                                              ments to invest in the mental health
                                                                                                              of children and families and canceled
                                                                                                              $2 billion in medical debt that New
                   ERIC ADAMS                                                                                 Yorkers owe. This year’s Adopted
                                                                                                              Budget further invests in programs
                                                                                                              to help keep New Yorkers healthy by
                                                                                                              expanding the Office of Health Care
               ew Yorkers deserve a city bud-                                                                 Accountability to bring rising health
               get that delivers for them and   New Yorkers love their parks, and we are taking care of our green spaces by funding additional
        Ntackles our affordability crisis     park rangers, Green Thumb programs, and tree stump removals (File/Agency photo)   care costs down and ensure hospitals
                                                                                                              and health care providers are not
        head-on. Alongside Speaker Adams                                                                      gouging New Yorkers, as well as by
        and our City Council partners, we are                                                                 investing in key services, such as HIV
        proud to announce the passage of a   also going further to ensure 3-K is   STEM, and Brooklyn Recovery
        $112.4  billion  Adopted  Budget that   more equitable than ever, with ad-  Corps at Medgar Evers College.  related programs.
                                                                                                                  Finally, affordable housing is
        invests in the future of our city and   ditional investments totaling $80   Our cultural institutions and our   critical to making our city more af-
        the people who make New York the   million for extended day seats and   libraries are also a critical part of our   fordable and more livable. With this
        greatest city in the world.       to serve undocumented families and   city’s social fabric, and with the City   in mind, we have added $2 billion in
            Thanks to our strong fiscal man-  students with disabilities.   Council, we are investing $53 mil-
        agement, as well as better-than-ex-   Additionally, we are deepening   lion in our cultural institutions. And   capital funds to NYCHA and the De-
                                                                                                              partment of Housing Preservation &
        pected revenue growth, we have    our commitment to our public edu-  we know that our libraries provide a   Development to develop more af-
        passed a collaborative budget that   cation system with over $600 million   lifeline to countless communities, so
        addresses the three things that cost   to protect programs previously fund-  we are putting over $58 million back   fordable housing. This will support
                                                                                                              our administration’s moonshot goal
        New  Yorkers  the  most:  childcare,   ed with short-term federal stimulus   into their operations, so they can   of building 500,000 new homes by
        health care, and housing. What’s   dollars like teacher recruitment, re-  keep their doors open seven days a   2032, as well as our commitment to
        more is, this was done despite facing   storative  justice,  computer  science   week and provide the services New   transforming NYCHA so every New
        unprecedented challenges, including   and arts programming, and more.  Yorkers rely on.
        a $7.1 billion budget gap, an interna-  And, because we want our children   Public safety has been our top   Yorker has a clean, safe place to live.
                                                                                                              This $2 billion investment will bring
        tional humanitarian crisis that has   to start out ahead in the coming   priority from the start, and one of the   our investment in affordable housing
        already cost our city $4.9 billion and   school year, we are investing $75   ways we’re protecting New Yorkers   over our current 10-year capital plan
        is expected to cost billions more, and   million to ensure schools do not lose   is by stopping illegal cannabis sales.   to more than $26 billion — a new re-
        hundreds of millions of short-term   funding even if they face declining   This budget allows us to continue our   cord level.
        stimulus dollars previously used to   enrollment.                   crackdown on illegal cannabis sales
                                                                                                                  Early in our administration, we
        fund crucial long-term programs —     We know that our investments   while supporting legal outlets.  made it clear that our mission is to
        a major feat.                     in young people don’t end when the    We are also continuing to sup-  support working-class New Yorkers
            So, what does the city’s budget   school day runs out. That is why we   port our efforts to make our streets
        deliver for you?                  are restoring extended days for Sum-  safer by providing funds for staff po-  by protecting  public safety,  invest-
                                                                                                              ing in our economy, and making the
            We are investing $100 million in   mer Rising, Friday programming for   sitions at our new 116th Precinct in
        early childhood education to reimag-  middle school Summer Rising par-  Queens, which is due to open this fall,   city more livable. The budget we just
                                                                                                              passed delivers on that mission, as it
        ine the outdated 3-K system that was   ticipants, and supporting community   and by funding security at 55 New   helps us continue to build a city that
        no longer working for working-class   schools. This allows young people  York City Housing Authority (NY-  is safer, cleaner, and more affordable
        families.  With  a  $20  million  invest-  to learn and grow during the sum-  CHA) buildings to protect our senior   for all New Yorkers.
        ment for up to 1,700 new seats this   mer, and families to  work without   residents.
        school  year, we  will  make  sure the   worrying about their kids. For older   New Yorkers love their parks,
        seats are filled and children and fam-  students, we  are  funding essential   and we are taking care of our green   Eric Adams is the Mayor of
        ilies are served immediately. We’re   programs like CUNY ACE, CUNY   spaces by funding additional park        New York City, NY

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