Page 16 - The Indian EYE 070524
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North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                   JULY 05, 2024

        New Yorkers Join Mayor Adams, Speaker Adams

          to Celebrate Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Agreement

                     That Invests in Future of New York City

         Labor Unions, Community Leaders, Non-Profit Groups, Libraries, Cultural Enthusiasts, Affordable Housing
        Supporters Praise Handshake Agreement Between Mayor Adams and Speaker Adams on FY25 Adopted Budget

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY

             ollowing the handshake agree-
             ment between New York City
        FMayor Eric Adams and New
        York City Council Speaker Adrienne
        Adams, leaders from across labor,
        business, advocacy, arts and culture,
        housing, faith, and more joined to-
        gether in applauding the on-time,
        balanced,  and  fiscally-responsible
        $112.4 billion Adopted Budget for
        Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 agreed to by
        the  Adams administration  and City
        Council this week.
           “Through our joint prioritiza-
        tion  and  strong  fiscal  management,
        we are proud to announce a $112.4
        billion budget that invests in the fu-
        ture of our city,” said First Deputy
        Mayor Sheena Wright. “This budget
        not only addresses critical needs, but
        also delivers major investments in
        housing, early childhood education,
        libraries,  cultural  institutions,  parks,
        and more — making New York
        City more livable for all New York-
        ers. Budgets reflect values, and I am
        proud  that  our  budget  reflects  the
        administration’s core value of put-  an on-time budget for three consecu-  best chance to thrive in the months   their fellow New Yorkers. We know
        ting hardworking New Yorkers first.”  tive years. We are proud to get stuff   and years to come.      that culture inspires individuals,
           “Team Eric Adams and Team      done for New Yorkers.”                Once  again,  the  Adams  ad-  strengthens communities, and drives
        Adrienne Adams know what it          “Since the beginning of our ad-  ministration  is  showing  up  for  our   the economy. Now, with another re-
        means to deliver for working people,  ministration, we have acted to sup-  cultural community with a historic   cord city investment in this important
        and this budget does just that,” said   port every individual, child, and fam-  investment that will put people to   sector, we in local government are
        Chief Advisor to the Mayor Chaplain   ily that calls New York City home,”  work, deliver extraordinary cultural   ready to continue partnering with
        Dr. Ingrid P. Lewis-Martin. “Our in-  said Deputy Mayor for Health Hu-  programs in every corner of our city,  our remarkable cultural community
        vestments in public safety, in librar-  man Services Anne Williams-Isom.  and make New York a safer, stron-  to continue delivering these benefits
        ies — which I call the equalizer, in  “This budget delivers on that over-  ger, more vibrant place for all of us,”  to residents in all five boroughs.”
        our young people, in our cultural in-  arching vision with investments in   said  Department of  Cultural  Af-  “An additional two billion dol-
        stitutions, for the pillars on which we   housing, early childhood education,  fairs Commissioner (DCLA) Laurie   lars isn’t an abstract number — it is
        stand — our senior citizens, and in   and a range of programs across   Cumbo. “I want to give a shout out to   a decisive and deliberate investment
        housing is demonstrative of why New   health and human services. Ulti-  the advocates, artists, cultural work-  in confronting the housing crisis our
        York is the greatest city in the world.  mately, we are ensuring that individ-  ers, and others who showed up at   agency works to tackle every day,”
        We’re proud to work alongside our   uals and families have access to the   hearings,  rallies,  and  other  engage-  said New York City Department of
        colleagues in the City Council to pass   supports they need to give them the   ments to make the case for culture to   Continued on next page... >>

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