Page 26 - The Indian EYE 062422
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 24, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
WVV organizes Yoga Cruise in
collaboration with Indian Consulate
The event celebrates the International Yoga Day and 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence
OUR BUREAU and Mrs. Suman Munjal for conduct- ers, executive committee members 25 pharma stores and Mr. Mukund
ing the Yoga cruise in celebration of and the invited guests. She thanked Thakkar, owner of a few Indian se-
New York, NY
the International Yoga Day coming people for coming and joined out- niors nursing homes for coming and
orld Vegan Vision (WVV) up on June 21st as well as the 75th lined the benefits of becoming Vegan. supporting WVV with their generous
organized Yoga Cruise with anniversary of India’s independence. She said “There are enormous bene- donations.
Wover 250 people onboard World Vegan Vision is a 30 years fits of becoming a vegan, which I per- Chandra Mehta Vice Chair of
on Sunday June 12 from 11 AM to 4 old non-profit organization with a mis- sonally experienced. As soon as I be- WVV and wife of the Trustee Mr.
PM in collaboration with the Indian sion to promote veganism and healthy came vegan, I controlled my diabetes K. K. Mehta thanked everybody for
Consulate to celebrate the Interna- lifestyle. The main mission of World and cholesterol with vegan diet de- coming and for their continued help
tional Yoga Day and the 75th An- Vegan Vision is to increase the public spite reducing my diabetes medicine. and support, especially when she or-
niversary of India’s Independence. awareness about the 3 main aspects of I want to encourage you all to be- ganized the 25th anniversary of Vege-
World Vegan Vision also dedicated Veganism; Health, Animal Welfare, come vegan. Many people feel that it tarian Vision/World Vegan Vision.
this cruise to celebrate its 30th an- and Environmental Conservation. is difficult to leave dairy products like Dr Shrenik Shah, President of
niversary, among other celebrations Cruise started from World’s Fair milk, yogurt, butter, cheese and ghee, NJ Chapter gave a talk on Yoga and
coming up at Thanksgiving. Marina and went around Manhattan there are now a variety of availability Vegan Lifestyle. Yoga and breathing
Honorable NY State Senator sightseeing and Statue of Liberty. of vegan food, cookies, almond milk, exercises were conducted by Ms. Swe-
Toby Ann Stavisky and Honorable The weather cooperated with God’s coconut milk etc. and so are various ta Todai. Renowned Guru Dileep ji
Consul for Press, information and grace and the rain stopped. Every- delicious recipes”. She urged people made people do Yoga.
Culture Vipul Dev graced the occa- body enjoyed the cruise among the to at least try and see the benefits for A cultural program related to
sion. Senator Toby Stavisky appreciat- nice weather. themselves. 75th India’s independence, including
ed the efforts of World Vegan Vision Main program started at 12 PM. Founder and Chairman Mr. H.K. Patriotic songs, was conducted. Peo-
in spreading the healthy lifestyle and President of New York Chapter Su- Shah in her speech thanked the peo- ple enjoyed Garba Dance, DJ music
presented the citation to the Founder man Munjal in her speech welcomed ple for their help and support for the and Dance entertainment. The cruise
and Chairman Mr. H.K. Shah. Consul and thanked all the dignitaries, trust- last 30 years. He particularly thanked concluded at 4 PM with vote of thanks
Vipul Dev congratulated H K Shah ees, past presidents, community lead- Mr. Deepak Shah, owner of about by the Secretary Tejal Raval.