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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 24, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 30

                    Dr. Ravi Kolli, the Incoming President

             of AAPI, Pledges to Keep AAPI Focused on

                                                   Its Core Mission

        OUR BUREAU
        New York
            pledge  to  all  AAPI  members
            that we shall not rest on our lau-
        I rels  and  become  complacent,”
        says Dr. Ravi Kolli, who will as-
        sume charge as the President of the
        American Association of Physicians
        of Indian Origin (AAPI) during the
        historic 40th annual Convention on
        June  25th,  2022,  in  San  Antonio,
        Texas.  “I  will  work  hard  to  keep
        AAPI  focused  on  its  core  mission
        and conduct all of its activities and
        business beyond reproach in a trans-
        parent, accountable, and responsible

        Dr. Ravi Kolli, a Board-Certified
        Psychiatrist with specializa-
        tions in Addiction, Geriatrics,
        and Forensic Psychiatry, serv-

        ing as the Psychiatric Medical
        Director of Southwestern Penn-
        sylvania Human Services, was
        a Clinical Assistant Professor

        of Psychiatry at the University                                     Village Plan and more. As the Chair   apeutic options to promote wellness
        of Pittsburgh and West Virgin-                                      of the AAPI Membership Commit-    and recovery from mental illness
        ia University. Dr. Kolli has over                                   tee,  Dr.  Kolli  worked  diligently  to   and  substance  use  disorders.  We
                                                                                                              will also actively promote physician
                                                                            recruit new members especially the
        four decades  of experience  in                                     younger physicians and recent grad-  wellness and self-care to address the
        the healthcare field.                                               uates.                            challenges of physician burnout and
                                                                                He had previously served as the   suicide.”
                                                                            Secretary, Vice President, and even-  During his presidency, Dr.
            He graduated from Rangaraya                                     tually as the President of Pittsburgh   Kolli  wants  “to  focus  on  physician
        Medical College, NTR University                                     TAPI  in  2012-13  and  has  been  in-  well-being  and  breaking  the  barri-
        of Health Sciences Medical School                                   volved in organizing several annual   ers of mental health stigma, connect
        in 1981. He is affiliated with medical                              meetings of the TAPI and AAPI-CF   with Indian Diaspora here and back
        facilities at the Washington Health                                 fundraiser dinners for over a decade.   home and with the Indian profes-
        System Greene and Washington                                            Being  a  psychiatrist  by  profes-  sionals, students and to promote
        Hospital.                                                           sion and among the many goals Dr.   good learning experiences and op-
            Dr. Kolli has previously served                                 Kolli has set for himself and some-  portunities and to make it better for
        as the Chair of the IT committee of                                 thing that is very  dear to  him, is   future generation in every way.”
        AAPI,  Convention  AV  Co-Chair,                                    to “focus on battling the stigma of   Dr.  Kolli  assures  that  “We  will
        and  a  member  of  several  Commit-                                mental  illness  and  access  to  quali-  work together to promote our values
        tees of AAPI including Endowment                                    ty  mental  health  care  broadly  and   of professionalism, collegiality, ex-
        fundraising, Geriatric, IT, GME Li-                                 widely.  I  will  be  forming  liaisons   cellence in patient care and enhance
        aison, South Asian CVD and Child-                                   with mental health professionals in   AAPI’s reputation as a premier pro-
        hood obesity awareness and Obesity            Ravi Kolli            India and globally and bring aware-  fessional organization offering edu-
        awareness programs and Adopt a                                      ness of various biopsychosocial ther-  cational programs and advocacy.”

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