Page 29 - The Indian EYE 062422
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JUNE 24, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
Yogesh Shah, K Zala (partially seen), Rajendra Vora, Actor & devotee for many good Actor Vivek Oberoi, Dr Anil Shah, Lokesh Muni, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Bhai Satpal Singh,
causes Vivek Oberoi, Dr Anil Shah & Lokesh Muni at Jain Center Rajendra Vora
“In the current world scenario tendees were pledging their dona- Muni stressed that there is a when the world is experiencing a sud-
there is a deep significance of this tions for this noble cause. need to introduce peace education den burst of conflict and uncertainty,
global dialogue “said Vivek Oberoi, Vivek Oberoi announced a big and value education in the school sys- religious and spiritual leaders also
who moderated the panel and ap- pledge of $100,000 from Dr Anil & tem at a very early stage. Only then have a role to play. Bhai Satpal Singh
pealed for the donation to build Preeti Shah & also sizable amount can we permanently defeat conflict Khalsa also talk about peace and the
World Peace Center in Delhi. At- from Sarva Mangal Trust. and violence in the world. At a time relations between Sikhism & Jainism.
AAPI Will Celebrate 8th International Yoga Day
With Focus On “Heal the Healers”
OUR BUREAU ication and generosity of each mem-
ber for giving their best, to make this
San Antonio, TX
Convention truly a memorable one
merican Association of Physi- for every participant. Put together by
cians of Indian Origin (AAPI) a highly talented and dedicated team
Ain collaboration with all the of Convention Committee members,
10 City Council Districts of San An- the 4 days long event will be filled
tonio, TX and Mayor Ron Nirenberg with programs and activities that ca-
and iDoYoga San Antonio is organiz- ter to the body, mind and soul. The
ing its flagship Free Yoga Classes and Convention is going to be a unique
Education on the benefits and ways experience for everyone, he added.
to make yoga a part of one’s daily life The Convention will honor India
during the 40th annual convention. and its 75 years of Independence Day
Led by internationally famed celebrations- co-sponsored by the
yoga gurus, including Sadhvi Bhaga- Embassy of India & the Consulate
wati Saraswati, PhD, Spiritual lead- year to be a day of celebrating yoga gram being offered to participants at General of India (CGI) – Houston.
er, teacher and author; Paramagu- in nations around the world. It was the 40th annual Convention of AAPI Some of the major events at the
ru Sharath Jois, Lineage holder of ratified by 175 nations and is now be- to be held in san Antonio from June convention include: Workshops and
Ashtanga Yoga; and, Eddie Stern, ing celebrated each year by millions 23rd to 26th, 2022 at Henry B Gonza- hands-on sessions on well-being, 10-
Yoga teacher, speaker and author, of people around the world. lez Convention Center. 12 hours of CMEs, Women’s Forum,
the highly anticipated and popular A major theme during the 40th “Our physician members have CEOs Forum, AAPI Got Talent, Me-
Yoga on the famous Riverwalk is annual convention is “Physician, heal worked very hard during the covid 19 hfil, Bollywood Nite, Fashion Show,
part of the global celebration of the thyself,” acknowledging and seeking pandemic. The 2022 convention is a Medical Jeopardy, Poster/Research
8th International Day of Yoga (IDY), to respond to the growing signs of perfect time to heal the healers with Contest, Alumni and Young Physicians
founded in 2014 by the United Na- burnout among physicians, by offer- a special focus on wellness,” said Dr. events and Exhibition and Sale of Jew-
tions General Assembly, establishing ing positive remedial resources as Jayesh Shah, Chair of AAPI Conven- elry, Clothing, Medical Equipment,
June 21st (summer solstice) of each part of the first-ever Wellness Pro- tion 2022. Dr. Shah praised the ded- Pharma, Finance and many more.