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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 24, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 22

                       Rachna Nath features in TIME as

                                     Most Innovative Teacher

                  She won Presidential Innovation Award in 2019 for Environmental Educators

        OUR BUREAU
        Phoenix, AZ
              he TIME magazine has re-
              vealed its’ first-ever list of In-
        Tnovative Teachers,  highlight-
        ing U.S. teachers who are improving
        their field or making a difference for
        their students in a unique way.                                     ued  to  persevere  in  her  belief  that   Solving and research skills to stu-
            To compile this list, TIME re-
        viewed hundreds  of nominations                                     High School Students are a pool of   dents from 9th to 12th graders.
                                                                            talent that are unexplored. This time
                                                                                                                  She also pushes the kids to do
        from across the country—for teach-                                  she has begged the Most Innovative   patent searches and apply for their
        ers at public schools, public charters,                             Teacher Award. Rachna Nath from   first dream companies as early as 9th
        private, and parochial schools—and                                  Chandler Arizona, teaching at ACP-  graders.
        selected the teachers who stood out                                 High School, was featured as one the   She is a Honey Bee Scientist,
        for  going  above  and  beyond  to  im-                             most innovative teachers of the year   innovator and entrepreneur that
        prove the learning experience for                                   for her Innovative Program DRIPBL   works as an educator for the Chan-
        kids who need it, or solve a problem                                (Dream Research Innovate Problem/  dler Public School District and brings
        facing schools today.             tion Award in 2019 for Environmen-  Project Based Learning), where she   a  unique  and  fresh  perspective  to
            After  her  Presidential  Innova-
                                          tal Educators, Rachna Nath contin-  promotes  critical  thinking,  Problem   teaching high School.

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