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P. 18
North The Indian Eye
18 JUNE 24, 2022
Acharya Lokesh delivers talk on
‘Peace and Harmony through Indian
Cultural Values’ in New York
New York State Assembly honors Acharya Lokesh for his humanitarian work
OUR BUREAU lish peace and harmony around the that to solve these problems, India’s Lord Mahavir’s philosophy of non-vi-
world through Indian cultural values. first World Peace Center is being es- olence. He said that the political,
New York, NY
While addressing the talk Acha- tablished in Delhi NCR by Ahimsa spiritual, social and business leaders
t is a matter of pride for the spir- rya Dr. Lokesh ji, Founder of Ahim- Vishwa Bharti organization where ef- of America and India can work to-
itual lovers that a talk of World sa Vishwa Bharti, said that India can forts will be done to solve global prob- gether to solve these global problems.
IPeace Ambassador Acharya Dr play a major role in global affairs in lems through peace and harmony. On this occasion, New York
Lokesh Muni organized here on the the coming years. Acharya said that On this occasion, Mr. Randhir State Assembly honored Acharya Dr.
topic “Peace and Harmony through the whole world is looking towards Jaiswal, the Consulate General of Lokesh for his humanitarian work.
Indian Cultural Values” at the Head- India now a days, adopting Indian India in New York, while welcoming Jennifer Rajkumar read the citation.
quarters of Consulate General of culture, be it the Corona period or Dr. Lokesh said that Acharya is tak- On this occasion, Mr. Kamlesh
India in New York. The talk was or- the war between Ukraine and Rus- ing the ancient civilization and cul- Mehta, President of Indo American
ganized in New York, USA under the sia, ancient Indian lifestyle, yoga & ture of India to the people through Press Club, Mr. Anil Monga, Mr.
joint aegis of Consulate General of spirituality and peace & harmony Peace & Harmony Tour in the year of Karamjit Singh Dhaliwal, Mukesh
India and Ahimsa Visva Bharti Foun- have been very relevant. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. Appreci- Modi, Prem Bhandari, Ashok
dation USA where a large number of Acharya Lokesh said that not ating the peace and harmony tour of Sancheti, Rashmikant Kamdar, Mi-
dignitaries from the Indian commu- only India and America but differ- Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni to USA, hir Desai, Vikram Gill, Pankil Shah,
nity and office bearers of CGI New ent parts of the world are affected he said that violence and terror are Girish Shah, Bipin Sangankar and
York participated. by violence and terrorism. America major global problems, for the solu- many others were present including
During this, Acharya Lokesh dis- and India must fight together against tion of which Acharya is dedicated for the people from the Indian commu-
cussed in detail the policies to estab- violence and terrorism. Acharya said the last several decades through the nity in large numbers.