Page 14 - The Indian EYE 062422
P. 14

OP-ED                                                                    JUNE 24, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 14

        Army pension and future soldiers’

               anxiety needs better responses

                                   Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media

              comparative study of defense
              pensions by the Manohar Par-
              rikar Institute of Defense Stud-
        ies and Analysis is insightful. The
        US in FY-2018 set aside 10% of the
        defense department’s total expenses
        towards pension. In the UK, the pen-
        sion  outgo  in  FY-2019  was  14%  of
        the total defense spending. Given the
        lopsidedness in resource allocation in
        the Indian military budget, something
        had to give. Ideally, the approach
        should  have  been  to  prune  intake
        and raise quality standards. However,
        political considerations seem to have
        played a role and a workaround was
        conceived to meet multiple aims.
            Having decided on Agnipath,
        GoI should have anticipated the
        anxiety  and  pre-empted  it.  Post-an-
        nouncement  assurances  of  job  pref-
        erences in paramilitary or police, or
        bank  loans  for  potential  entrepre-
        neurs  are  inadequate  to  assuage
        youth who see the military as a career
        that meets aspirations. In this context,
        GoI needs to quickly design a more
        effective  package  to  help  demobi-
        lized Agniveers’ transition to civilian   Congress leader Bhai Jagtap with party supporters stage a protest over Enforcement Directorate (ED)'s probe against party leader Rahul Gandhi
        life. One reason why the US is able
        to keep pension costs down is that it              in connection with the National Herald case, outside Raj Bhavan, in Mumbai on Thursday. (ANI)
        takes 20 years of service to be eligible
        for  a  pension.  It’s  possible  because                                  The Muslim issue           by  India’s  diplomatic  missions  that
        America is more effective in employ-  the  AICC  headquarters  and  ED  of-                           it accords “the highest respect to all
                                          fice.  Most  roads  leading  to  the  ED
        ing former soldiers. That’s what young   office  were  barricaded  and  prohibi-  s protests turn violent in Mus- religions”.
        men of the Hindi heartland want too.                                     lim-centric   neighborhoods     Abu  Dhabi  and  Tehran  have
                                          tory orders under CrPC Section 144
           -- Editorial, The Times of India   were imposed. The AICC office was   Aacross  India’s  restive  cities  in   thrown Delhi a lifeline. But as the
                                                                            Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, amid  Uttar  Pradesh  chief  minister,  Yogi
                                          virtually under siege with police pro-
                Police behavior           hibiting even senior Congress leaders   desperate attempts by the Bharatiya  Adityanath,  sends  in  the  bulldozer
                                          from accessing the compound. In   Janata  Party’s  social  media  bots  to   wrecking crew after Friday’s protests,
              he police atrocity unfolding in   spite of all this, some of us did man-  pass the buck by pointing fingers at  it  is  the  quiet  fury  sweeping  across
              the National Capital in con-                                  ‘our neighbor’ for stoking the violence,  the  country  among  the  world’s  larg-
        Tnection  with  the  questioning   age to enter the AICC premises.  Delhi’s  pushback  against  worldwide   est Muslim minority — roughly 213
                                              Several Congress women work-
        of Rahul Gandhi by the Enforcement   ers including me were dragged along   Islamic censure must bring home to   million Muslims who make up 15 per
        Directorate is a blemish on our coun-  the road by male police officers for   the Narendra Modi government the   cent of India’s population — that will
        try’s  democracy.  On  Monday  morn-  about 500 yards and beaten. We were   perils of its doublespeak.  be trickier to quell. Will Indians im-
        ing, leaders of the Congress party,   lifted and thrown into the police van   The  vilification  of  Muslims  at  mune  to  Modi’s  thrall  countenance
        including MPs, wanted to peacefully   as if we were garbage. We were lifted   home under Narendra Modi may   such an India?
        assemble  at  24,  Akbar  Road  in  soli-  and thrown into the police van as if   have  been  glossed  over  in  Islamic   -- Neena Gopal,
        darity with Rahul Gandhi. But we   we were garbage. I screamed that we   capitals, seen as being driven by do-  The Telegraph (India)
        were shocked to see that the Nar-  are women but the police did not pay   mestic compulsions. But the crass
        endra Modi government had trans-  heed. We were taken to the Vasant   invective  by  BJP  spokespersons   Every week, we look at what the top
        formed Delhi to resemble a war zone.  Kunj South police station and forced   against  Islam’s  most  revered  figure,   commentators in the Indian media are
            Delhi  Police,  anti-riot  force,                               Prophet  Mohammed  (PBUH),  that   talking about and bring to you a slice
        Rapid  Action  Force  and  the  CRPF   to stay there till 10:00 pm.  has sparked Muslim outrage requires   of their opinions and comments
        were deployed in the area adjoining   -- Jebi Mather, The Indian Express   more than the trite line trotted out

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